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Full Discussion: Interval year to month
Top Forums Programming Interval year to month Post 302431836 by pogdorica on Wednesday 23rd of June 2010 05:56:34 AM
Old 06-23-2010

I work with Informix too, but i really donīt understand your question. Do you want to get only "year" of a year-month value?

---------- Post updated at 11:56 AM ---------- Previous update was at 10:38 AM ----------

Do you find anything as this?
   var interval year to month,
   my_year smallint,
   my_month smallint

   let var = "2010-06"
   let my_year = year(var)
   let my_month = month(var)

   display "Var: ", var
   display "Year: ", my_year
   display "Month: ", my_month

end main


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CAL_TO_JD(3)								 1							      CAL_TO_JD(3)

cal_to_jd - Converts from a supported calendar to Julian Day Count

int cal_to_jd (int $calendar, int $month, int $day, int $year) DESCRIPTION
cal_to_jd(3) calculates the Julian day count for a date in the specified $calendar. Supported $calendars are CAL_GREGORIAN, CAL_JULIAN, CAL_JEWISH and CAL_FRENCH. PARAMETERS
o $calendar - Calendar to convert from, one of CAL_GREGORIAN, CAL_JULIAN, CAL_JEWISH or CAL_FRENCH. o $month - The month as a number, the valid range depends on the $calendar o $day - The day as a number, the valid range depends on the $calendar o $year - The year as a number, the valid range depends on the $calendar RETURN VALUES
A Julian Day number. SEE ALSO
cal_from_jd(3), frenchtojd(3), gregoriantojd(3), jewishtojd(3), juliantojd(3), unixtojd(3). PHP Documentation Group CAL_TO_JD(3)
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