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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Help! Yet another check element in array Question Post 302441144 by alan on Thursday 29th of July 2010 10:57:04 AM
Old 07-29-2010
Originally Posted by zaxxon
You could try
if [[ $i != *.ctl ]]

In bash it seems if you use double square brackets, that the wildcard is working. Single sq. brackets do not work - I guess test is a bit limited to the shell built-in:

$> VAR=12345.ctl
$> [ $VAR == *.ctl ] && echo found
$> [[ $VAR == *.ctl ]] && echo found

---------- Post updated at 09:18 AM ---------- Previous update was at 09:10 AM ----------

Oh and I didn't notice at first:

Checking $i will not help since it is just a counter for your array and will contain only a number, if I am correct.

Better check something like ${HDD_LIST_Array[$i]}
Thanks for your reply.

I realized I needed to compare the element of the array instead of some value...which is what I was doing.

I tried this:

i=`echo ${HDD_LIST_Array[0]} | awk -F . '{print $NF}'`
if [ "$i" != "ctl" ]
    echo "Control file not found!" ; exit 2;

It worked.


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Net::DNS::Question(3)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				     Net::DNS::Question(3)

Net::DNS::Question - DNS question class SYNOPSIS
"use Net::DNS::Question" DESCRIPTION
A "Net::DNS::Question" object represents a record in the question section of a DNS packet. METHODS
new $question = Net::DNS::Question->new("example.com", "MX", "IN"); Creates a question object from the domain, type, and class passed as arguments. RFC4291 and RFC4632 IP address/prefix notation is supported for queries in in-addr.arpa and ip6.arpa subdomains. parse ($question, $offset) = Net::DNS::Question->parse($data, $offset); Parses a question section record at the specified location within a DNS packet. The first argument is a reference to the packet data. The second argument is the offset within the packet where the question record begins. Returns a Net::DNS::Question object and the offset of the next location in the packet. Parsing is aborted if the question object cannot be created (e.g., corrupt or insufficient data). qname, zname print "qname = ", $question->qname, " "; print "zname = ", $question->zname, " "; Returns the domain name. In dynamic update packets, this field is known as "zname" and refers to the zone name. qtype, ztype print "qtype = ", $question->qtype, " "; print "ztype = ", $question->ztype, " "; Returns the record type. In dymamic update packets, this field is known as "ztype" and refers to the zone type (must be SOA). qclass, zclass print "qclass = ", $question->qclass, " "; print "zclass = ", $question->zclass, " "; Returns the record class. In dynamic update packets, this field is known as "zclass" and refers to the zone's class. print $question->print; Prints the question record on the standard output. string print $qr->string, " "; Returns a string representation of the question record. data $qdata = $question->data($packet, $offset); Returns the question record in binary format suitable for inclusion in a DNS packet. Arguments are a "Net::DNS::Packet" object and the offset within that packet's data where the "Net::DNS::Question" record is to be stored. This information is necessary for using compressed domain names. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Michael Fuhr. Portions Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Chris Reinhardt. Portions Copyright (c) 2003,2006-2009 Dick Franks. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO
perl(1), Net::DNS, Net::DNS::Resolver, Net::DNS::Packet, Net::DNS::Update, Net::DNS::Header, Net::DNS::RR, RFC 1035 Section 4.1.2 perl v5.12.1 2009-12-30 Net::DNS::Question(3)
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