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Full Discussion: Unix session timeout?
Operating Systems AIX Unix session timeout? Post 302442108 by NycUnxer on Tuesday 3rd of August 2010 09:38:16 AM
Old 08-03-2010
Originally Posted by zaxxon
If no configuration has changed on the servers when moving, I would check out on the network switches too.
Maybe get a tcpdump and analyze it with wireshark/ethereal. Let the network guys have a look on the switches.

Is it all kind of sessions? ssh? ftp? DB?.. ? All at or from the same time? Maybe you can see a pattern after having a look on all effected parts.
Yes, no configurations have changed. It was just after the move. I know for sure ssh is affected. Havent heard any ftp issues. Datacenter support has network guys looking at it.

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bssh/bvnc/bshell(1)					      General Commands Manual					       bssh/bvnc/bshell(1)

bssh/bvnc/bshell - Browse for SSH/VNC servers on the local network SYNOPSIS
bssh bvnc bshell DESCRIPTION
bssh/bvnc/bshell browses for SSH/VNC servers on the local network, shows them in a GUI for the user to select one and finally calls ssh/vncviewer after a selection was made. If the binary is called as bssh only ssh servers will be shown. If the binary is called as bvnc only VNC servers will be shown. If the binary is called as bshell both VNC and SSH servers are shown. OPTIONS
-s | --ssh Browse for SSH servers (and only SSH servers) regardless under which name the binary is called. -v | --vnc Browse for VNC servers (and only VNC servers) regardless under which name the binary is called. -S | --shell Browse for both VNC and SSH servers regardless under which name the binary is called. -d | --domain= DOMAIN Browse in the specified domain. If omitted bssh/bvnc/bshell will browse in the default browsing domain (usually .local) -h | --help Show help. AUTHORS
The Avahi Developers <avahi (at) lists (dot) freedesktop (dot) org>; Avahi is available from http://avahi.org/ SEE ALSO
avahi-browse(1), ssh(1), vncviewer(1) COMMENTS
This man page was written using xml2man(1) by Oliver Kurth. Manuals User bssh/bvnc/bshell(1)
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