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Full Discussion: Syntax for output filenames
Operating Systems OS X (Apple) Syntax for output filenames Post 302465045 by ctsgnb on Thursday 21st of October 2010 02:30:01 PM
Old 10-21-2010
Lol i don't need it but maybe some other do !
Thx for them

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gitmount(1)						      General Commands Manual						       gitmount(1)

gitmount - GNU Interactive Tools - auto-mount script SYNTAX
gitmount device DESCRIPTION
gitmount is a script which allows you to mount any block device without specifying the file system type. You may now insert the floppy in the drive and type ' gitmount fd0' and the first floppy will be mounted in the directory /mnt/fd0. On Linux just press F11 or F12. You don't need to know the file system type anymore. The directories /mnt/fd0 and /mnt/fd1 are created if they don't exist. BUGS
Please send bug reports to: gnuit-dev@gnu.org SEE ALSO
gitfm(1) gitps(1) gitview(1) gitkeys(1) gitaction(1) gitrgrep(1) gitunpack(1) AUTHORS
Tudor Hulubei <tudor@cs.unh.edu> Andrei Pitis <pink@pub.ro> Ian Beckwith <ianb@erislabs.net> (Current maintainer) gitmount(1)
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