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Full Discussion: Memory or CPU size
Operating Systems Solaris Memory or CPU size Post 302473909 by DGPickett on Monday 22nd of November 2010 07:16:54 PM
Old 11-22-2010
sysinfo() often has page size and RAM page count. However, in the age of VM, you can push that a bit, but not so hard that you start the system thrashing.

You exhaust VM when swap is consumed, which df can tell you of. Sometimes swap and /tmp drink from the same disk!

However, if you mmap() files, you can use RAM and address space without exhausting swap. If you munmap() and later mmap() the same pages, they can still be in RAM, so a 32 bit program can use this to access more than 4GB still at RAM speed. A 64 bit program can mmap64() every file on the machine and wander in them as if in RAM.

Dynamic libraries are loaded using mmap/mmap64(), so everyone is executing the same RAM pages. This can sometimes be true of the JAVA JVM and application VM footprint.

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