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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Need help on If statement for comparison Post 302475017 by jmathew99 on Friday 26th of November 2010 07:44:39 AM
Old 11-26-2010
Need help on If statement for comparison

We are using AIX and while using KSH Unix script, we are reading data in a file and then using the if statement for comparison. The code with if statement is as follows;

cat $FILETMP | while read a
        jobstr1=`echo $a | awk '{print $1}'`
        var1=`echo $jobstr1 | cut -c 9`
        var2=`echo $jobstr1 | cut -c 17`
        if [ $var1 = _ -a $var2 = _ ]
                echo "$a" >> $outfile

The code is working fine and writing the data to the file "outfile", but the code gives errors. The errors are when the characters are "empty" or "blank" then while comparing the system is giving errors as follows;

ksh: _: unknown test operator
ksh: test: argument expected

Please help to have the code without having error messages. I would also like to know if there is a better way of doing this.
Thanks for the help.

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SHCOMP(1)						    User Environment Utilities							 SHCOMP(1)

shcomp - compile a ksh93 shell script SYNOPSIS
shcomp [ options ] [infile] [outfile]] ORIGIN OF THIS MAN PAGE
This man page was written by Christophe Martin <Schplurtz@free.fr> for the Debian GNU/Linux system. It is based on "shcomp --man" output. DESCRIPTION
Unless -D is specified, shcomp takes a shell script, infile, and creates a binary format file, outfile, that ksh93 can read and execute with the same effect as the original script. Since aliases are processed as the script is read, alias definitions whose value requires variable expansion will not work correctly. If -D is specified, all double quoted strings that are preceded by $ are output. These are the messages that need to be translated to locale specific versions for internationalization. If outfile is omitted, then the results will be written to standard output. If infile is also omitted, the shell script will be read from standard input. OPTIONS
-D, --dictionary Generate a list of strings that need to be placed in a message catalog for internationalization. -n, --noexec Displays warning messages for obsolete or non-conforming constructs. -v, --verbose Displays input from infile onto standard error as it reads it. --man Displays this man page on standard error and exits. --help Shows a short help message and exits. EXIT STATUS
0 Successful completion. >0 An error occurred. DEBIAN WARNING
On a Debian GNU/Linux system, more than one package may provide ksh. the output of shcomp can only be used by ksh93. Any other ksh will be unable to run the compiled script. EXAMPLE
( echo '#! /bin/ksh93' ; shcomp myscript ) > myscript.bin && chmod 755 myscript.bin ./myscript.bin SEE ALSO
version shcomp (AT&T Labs Research) 2012-02-29 author David Korn <dgk@research.att.com> copyright Copyright (c) 1982-2012 AT&T Intellectual Property license http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html KSH93 Fri Jun 3 2005 SHCOMP(1)
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