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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting bash script to compile multiple .c files with some options Post 302497059 by caruccio on Wednesday 16th of February 2011 08:22:38 AM
Old 02-16-2011
As pludi said, makefiles are great for this kind of job.
What you have is: to to create something, this otherthing must be done before.

A common place on source compilation is:
I need to build the executable, but first I need to build each individual object. Than I link all objects to produce an executable.

The beauty on Makefiles is that it "knowns" your source file has changed and build only that single file you need.

$ cat Makefile

PROJECT = MyProject
SOURCE = file1.c file2.c file3.c
OBJECTS = file1.o file2.o file3.o
#This is an easier way to define OBJECTS:
#OBJECTS = $(OBJECTS:%.c=%.o)

   echo Here is a help message

# Prior to "backup", make will run "clean".
backup: clean
   cd .. && tar czvf /backup/$(PROJECT).tar.gz $(PROJECT)


CFLAGS = -Wall -ggdb3 -DSOME_DEFINE=1
LDFLAGS = -L/usr/local/lib -lsomelibname

# All the magic is here

# This is your main target, which depends upon target "program",
# you executable file.


# To build "$(EXECUTABLE)", you first need to build all separeted object file,
# i.e., each of your .c file must produce a corresponding .o file
# The special variable $@ means "the target name". On this case, it is "$(EXECUTABLE)'s value"
# The special variable $^ means "all depend targets". On this case, it is $(OBJECTS)'s value

   gcc $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^

# This is where any .c file becomes .o file

%.o: %.c
   gcc $(CFLAGS) -c $^ -o $@

You can now run:
$ make all

if you update file2.c, make sees it's timestamp is newer than corresponding file2.o and recompiles it, then relinks it into your executable.

To cleanup all objects:
$ make clean

And so on...
$ make help
$ make backup

Nice, uh?

PS: That makefile was not tested, probably have some problems.

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gccmakedep(1)						      General Commands Manual						     gccmakedep(1)

gccmakedep - create dependencies in makefiles using 'gcc -M' SYNOPSIS
gccmakedep [ -sseparator ] [ -fmakefile ] [ -a ] [ -- options -- ] sourcefile ... DESCRIPTION
The gccmakedep program calls 'gcc -M' to output makefile rules describing the dependencies of each sourcefile, so that make(1) knows which object files must be recompiled when a dependency has changed. By default, gccmakedep places its output in the file named makefile if it exists, otherwise Makefile. An alternate makefile may be speci- fied with the -f option. It first searches the makefile for a line beginning with # DO NOT DELETE or one provided with the -s option, as a delimiter for the dependency output. If it finds it, it will delete everything following this up to the end of the makefile and put the output after this line. If it doesn't find it, the program will append the string to the makefile and place the output after that. EXAMPLE
Normally, gccmakedep will be used in a makefile target so that typing 'make depend' will bring the dependencies up to date for the make- file. For example, SRCS = file1.c file2.c ... CFLAGS = -O -DHACK -I../foobar -xyz depend: gccmakedep -- $(CFLAGS) -- $(SRCS) OPTIONS
The program will ignore any option that it does not understand, so you may use the same arguments that you would for gcc(1), including -D and -U options to define and undefine symbols and -I to set the include path. -a Append the dependencies to the file instead of replacing existing dependencies. -fmakefile Filename. This allows you to specify an alternate makefile in which gccmakedep can place its output. Specifying "-" as the file name (that is, -f-) sends the output to standard output instead of modifying an existing file. -sstring Starting string delimiter. This option permits you to specify a different string for gccmakedep to look for in the makefile. The default is "# DO NOT DELETE". -- options -- If gccmakedep encounters a double hyphen (--) in the argument list, then any unrecognized arguments following it will be silently ignored. A second double hyphen terminates this special treatment. In this way, gccmakedep can be made to safely ignore esoteric compiler arguments that might normally be found in a CFLAGS make macro (see the EXAMPLE section above). -D, -I, and -U options appearing between the pair of double hyphens are still processed normally. SEE ALSO
gcc(1), make(1), makedepend(1). AUTHOR
The version of the gccmakedep included in this X.Org Foundation release was originally written by the XFree86 Project based on code sup- plied by Hongjiu Lu. Colin Watson wrote this manual page, originally for the Debian Project, based partly on the manual page for makedepend(1). X Version 11 gccmakedep 1.0.2 gccmakedep(1)
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