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Full Discussion: Function Returning Pointer
Top Forums Programming Function Returning Pointer Post 302506800 by majid.merkava on Tuesday 22nd of March 2011 02:40:37 AM
Old 03-22-2011
Function Returning Pointer

Hi guys.

how a functions such fdopen, ... can return pointer?
are these functions use static memory(variables)?

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explain_fdopen_or_die(3)				     Library Functions Manual					  explain_fdopen_or_die(3)

explain_fdopen_or_die - stream open functions and report errors SYNOPSIS
#include <libexplain/fdopen.h> void explain_fdopen_or_die(int fd, const char *mode); DESCRIPTION
The explain_fdopen_or_die function is used to call the fdopen(3) system call. On failure an explanation will be printed to stderr, obtained from explain_fdopen(3), and then the process terminates by calling exit(EXIT_FAILURE). This function is intended to be used in a fashion similar to the following example: FILE *fp = explain_fdopen_or_die(fd, mode); fd The fd, exactly as to be passed to the fdopen(3) system call. mode The mode, exactly as to be passed to the fdopen(3) system call. Returns: This function only returns on success. On failure, prints an explanation and exits. SEE ALSO
fdopen(3) stream open functions explain_fdopen(3) explain fdopen(3) errors exit(2) terminate the calling process COPYRIGHT
libexplain version 0.52 Copyright (C) 2008 Peter Miller explain_fdopen_or_die(3)
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