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Full Discussion: Printing extended ASCII
Operating Systems AIX Printing extended ASCII Post 302523138 by petervg on Wednesday 18th of May 2011 04:41:32 AM
Old 05-18-2011
I did the following:
$ printf "\162\n"> ascii
$ printf "\164\n" >> ascii
$ printf "\302\244\n" >> ascii
$ printf "\302\242\n">> ascii

When I cat ascii I see:

When I print ascii (lp ascii) I see

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xdpr(1X)																  xdpr(1X)

xdpr - dump an X window directly to a printer SYNOPSIS
xdpr [filename] [-display host:display] [-Pprinter] [-device devtype] [option...] OPTIONS
Specifies a file containing a window dump (created by xwd) to be printed instead of selecting an X window. Specifies a printer to send the output to. If a printer name is not specified here, xdpr (really, lpr or lp) will send your output to the printer specified by the PRINTER environment variable. Be sure that type of the printer matches the type specified with the -device option. host:display Normally, xdpr gets the host and display number to use from the environment variable DISPLAY. One can, however, specify them explicitly; see X(1X). Spec- ifies the device on which the file will be printed. Currently supported: LA100 HP LaserJet series and other monochrome PCL devices such as ThinkJet, QuietJet, RuggedWriter, HP560 series, and HP930 series printers LN03 HP PaintJet (color mode) HP HP PaintJet XL Color Graphics Printer (color mode) IBM PP3812 PostScript printer The default is PostScript. -device lw (LaserWriter) is equivalent to -device ps and is provided only for backwards compatibility. This option displays the list of options known to xdpr. Any other arguments will be passed to the xwd, xpr, and lpr or lp commands as appropriate for each. DESCRIPTION
The xdpr command uses the commands xwd, xpr, and lpr orlp to dump an X window, process it for a particular printer type, and print it out on the printer of your choice. This is the easiest way to get a printout of a window. xdpr by default will print the largest possible representation of the window on the output page. The options for xdpr are the same as those for xpr, xwd, and lpr or lp. The most commonly-used options are described above; see the manual pages for these commands for more detailed descriptions of the many options available. ENVIRONMENT
which display to use by default. which printer to use by default. COPYRIGHT
Copyright 1985, 1988, X Consortium See X(1X) for a full statement of rights and permissions. SEE ALSO
xwd(1X), xpr(1X), lpr(1), lp(1), xwud(1X), X(1X) AUTHORS
Paul Boutin, MIT Project Athena Michael R. Gretzinger, MIT Project Athena Jim Gettys, MIT Project Athena xdpr(1X)
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