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Operating Systems AIX Preventing screen redraw when "more" exits Post 302524378 by bakunin on Monday 23rd of May 2011 07:26:03 AM
Old 05-23-2011
Preventing screen redraw when "more" exits

In previous releases of AIX (<5.3) the "more" command didn't redraw the screen upon exit. This helped when searching in a text document or man page because one could look for the relevant part of it, exit and use the left-over at the screen as reference for typing the next command.

Alas, this behaviour has changed: upon exiting "more" the screen is restored to what it was before invoking "more", thereby erasing exactly the information one was looking for. I was searching for a remedy and found out the following:

"more" is configured by an environment variable "MORE", which can be set - depending on which scope it should have - in "/etc/environment", one users ".kshrc" script or at the command line. Add/execute the following line:

MORE="-W notite" ; export MORE

(In "/etc/environment" you don't need the "export")

Now, if one knows how to accomplish the same for the exit of "vi" (or "view") I'd be glad to hear the solution.

I hope this helps.


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XmStringCreate(3). XmStringSegmentCreate(library call)
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