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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting ~R in between string, how to handle in AWK Post 302524786 by sp999 on Tuesday 24th of May 2011 01:34:52 PM
Old 05-24-2011
~R in between string, how to handle in AWK

Can any one help how to handle the below situation.

Am using Awk script to handle variable

When I open the file in VI mode, I see the string as Orange~Rs , but when I cat the file its showing as plain Oranges.

When I copied the file over to Windows, am seeing the special character as Orange's.

Am trying to assign it to a variable , and its giving me hard time and using it downstream in AWK, I tried both below formarts, using Octal replacement for apostraphe.

hdr == "Oranges"
hdr == "Orange\047s"

Can anyone help me with this.


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