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Full Discussion: Editing rules on iptables
Special Forums Cybersecurity Editing rules on iptables Post 302526633 by pludi on Wednesday 1st of June 2011 05:17:54 AM
Old 06-01-2011
Originally Posted by garric
I want to open specific ports at the output and block the rest. Putting the default output blocking policy would make the machine unusable. Thus, I shifted it to the bottom the firewall script and that worked. Anything I am doing wrong here?
The default policy takes immediate effect when set, that's true. However, it only blocks you out if you enter the commands manually, which should be the exception, not the rule. When using a script you can set the default policy first, and then open the ports you need without interrupting any traffic.

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fwb_pf(1)							 Firewall Builder							 fwb_pf(1)

fwb_pf - Policy compiler for OpenBSD packet filter "pf" SYNOPSIS
fwb_pf [-vVx] [-d wdir] [-o output.fw] [-i] -f data_file.xml object_name DESCRIPTION
fwb_pf is a firewall policy compiler component of Firewall Builder (see fwbuilder(1)). This compiler generates code for OpenBSD Packet Fil- ter (pf). Compiler reads objects definitions and firewall description from the data file specified with "-f" option and generates pf con- figuration files and firewall activation script. All generated files have names that start with the name of the firewall object. Firewall activation script has extension ".fw" and is sim- ple shell script that flushes current policy, loads new filter and nat rules and then activates pf. PF configuration file name starts with the name of the firewall object, plus "-pf.conf". NAT configuration file name also starts with the name of the firewall object, plus "-nat.conf". For example, if firewall object has name "myfirewall", then compiler will create three files: "myfirewall.fw", "myfirewall- pf.conf", "myfirewall-nat.conf". The data file and the name of the firewall objects must be specified on the command line. Other command line parameters are optional. OPTIONS
-f FILE Specify the name of the data file to be processed. -o output.fw Specify output file name -d wdir Specify working directory. Compiler creates firewall activation script and PF configuration files in this directory. If this parameter is missing, then all files will be placed in the current working directory. -v Be verbose: compiler prints diagnostic messages when it works. -V Print version number and quit. -i When this option is present, the last argument on the command line is supposed to be firewall object ID rather than its name -x Generate debugging information while working. This option is intended for debugging only and may produce lots of cryptic messages. NOTES
Support for PF has been introduced in version 1.0.1 of Firewall Builder Supported features: o both pf.conf and nat.conf files are generated o negation in policy and NAT rules o grouping in "from", "to" and ports using '{' '}' syntax o if checkbox "Scrub" is checked in the rule options dialog, and rule's action is Accept, the compiler generates two (almost) identi- cal rules: first with action 'scrub' and the second with action 'pass quick' o stateful inspection in individual rule can be turned off in rule options dialog. By default compiler adds "keep state" or "modulate state" to each rule with action 'pass' o rule options dialog provides a choice of icmp or tcp rst replies for rules with action "Reject" o compiler adds flag "allow-opts" if match on ip options is needed o compiler can generate rules matching on TCP flags o compiler can generate script adding ip aliases for NAT rules using addresses that do not belong to any interface of the firewall o compiler always adds rule "block quick all" at the very bottom of the script to ensure "block all by default" policy even if the policy is empty. o Address ranges in both policy and NAT Features that are not supported (yet) o custom services What will not be supported (at least not anytime soon) o policy routing URL
Firewall Builder home page is located at the following URL: http://www.fwbuilder.org/ BUGS
Please report bugs using bug tracking system on SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=5314&atid=105314 SEE ALSO
fwbuilder(1), fwb_ipt(1), fwb_ipf(1) FWB
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