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Full Discussion: Vio Build
Operating Systems AIX Vio Build Post 302540560 by johnf on Thursday 21st of July 2011 04:24:09 AM
Old 07-21-2011
Originally Posted by mk8570
Another question, I got the installation of the dual vios working and

I am trying to understand how the extenal connectivity from the VIO Client LPAR works in a VIOS environment.

I will appreciate if someone can explain this.

Below is how interfaces are setup in the VIOS server

VIOS 1 --- similar setup is for VIOS 2

ent0, ent2 __ etherchannel ( ent6 ) --- ent4 (Virtual) --- ent7 (SEA)
----ent5 (Ctrl chan)

ent1 -- Has a I/P address bound

Now, If a client LPAR needs to send packets to a external address, how are the packets routed to the extenal network.

Will the packets go from Client LPAR (Virtual Ethernet) --->vios ENT7 - ENT4 - ENT1.

This is the best explanation I can give you. Consider a situation where you have a VLAN (100 for this example) then this VLAN will exist as physical and virtual (in the Hypervisor). Your example above would result in ent0 and ent2 would be connected to the physical VLAN and by virtue of the etherchannel construction ent6 is also connected.

The command:
mkvdev -sea ent6 -vadapter ent4 -default ent4 -defaultid 100 -attr ha_mode=auto ctl_chan=ent5

the -defaultid 100 flag sets the VLAN id to 100 for this virtual adapter.

would result in the ent7 adapter being created. This is the virtual adapter which would carry the virtual VLAN address for LPAR communication through the VIO servers. Both VIO servers would have the same characteristics set so there would be identical Ethernet adpaters on both VIOS but the trunk priority would be set to alternate values (1, 2 etc).

When creating the Ethernet adapter on the client LPAR one selects the VLAN 100 on the drop down menu on the HMC on both VIO servers. As the adapters on the VIO server have been configured to talk on VLAN 100 nothing else needs to be done except allocating an IP address when the LPAR is powered on. No IP address needs to be added to the VIO virtual ethernet adapter.

All traffic to the outside world from the client LPAR would be as follows:

Client LPAR Ethernet adpater ent0 > along the Hypervisor VLAN 100 > into the VIO server SEA ent7 > Upto the virtual adapter ent4 > through the etherchannel adapter ent6 > finally out of ent0 and ent2 to the real network infrastructure.

This unfortunately is the hardest part of VIO construction to get your head around!

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vxpfto(1M)																vxpfto(1M)

vxpfto - set Powerfail Timeout (pfto) SYNOPSIS
vxpfto -g diskgroup -t timeout vxpfto [-g diskgroup] -t timeout volume_list vxpfto [-g diskgroup] -o pftostate={enabled|disabled} vxpfto [-g diskgroup] -o pftostate={enabled|disabled} volume_list DESCRIPTION
Powerfail Timeout is an attribute of a SCSI disk connected to an HP-UX host (see the pfto(7) man page). The vxpfto command sets the Power- fail Timeout interval on a set of Volume Manager disks, either all disks in a disk group, or all disks underlying the volumes listed. The first form of the command sets the same PFTO value for all the disks in the specified VxVM diskgroup. In the second form, all disks underlying the given list of volumes are selected, optionally restricted by the disk group specified with the -g option. If you specify a diskgroup, any volume in the list not belonging to the diskgroup is ignored. Use the -o pftostate option to disable or enable PFTO. By default, PFTO is enabled. You can enable PFTO either on all disks in a disk group, or on all disks underlying the volumes listed. If you invoke vxpfto without arguments, it displays a usage message. OPTIONS
-g diskgroup Specifies the disk group for the operation, either by disk group ID or by disk group name. -o pftostate={enabled|disabled} Enables or disables the use of PFTO for IO. -t timeout Specifies the PFTO value in seconds. The value must be zero or a positive integer. Zero represents the system default PFTO value. The default value depends on the disk driver controlling the disk device. volume_list A list of VxVM volume names. List items must be separated by white-space. EXIT CODES
vxpfto returns a zero if successful. If it encounters an error, vxpfto exits and displays a message on standard error. Defined exit codes are: 0 Success. 1 No PFTO value specified. 2 No diskgroup or volume list specified. 3 Illegal PFTO value specified. EXAMPLES
Set the PFTO value on all disks in disk group testdg to 100 seconds: vxpfto -t 100 -g testdg Set the PFTO value to 50 seconds on all disks underlying volume01 and volume02 in disk group testdg: vxpfto -t 50 -g testdg volume01 volume02 Set the PFTO value to 300 seconds on all disks underlying volume01 and volume02, even though they are not in the same disk group: vxpfto -t 300 volume01 volume02 Disable PFTO on all disks in disk group testdg: vxpfto -g testdg -o pftostate=disabled Enable PFTO on all disks underlying volume01 and volume02i in disk group testdg: vxpfto -g testdg -o pftostate=enabled volume01 volume02 SEE ALSO
vxdisk(1M), pfto(7) VxVM 24 Mar 2008 vxpfto(1M)
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