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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Compare columns 2 files and print Post 302544402 by Shell_Life on Wednesday 3rd of August 2011 03:47:00 PM
Old 08-03-2011
Originally Posted by tukuyomi
Where did you get col1b o_O?
From my test.

Original post said:
File 1 has 16 columns so does File 2
I want to remove all records from File 2 that column 1 and column 16 match between file 1 and file 2 
delimter of files is ~

In other words, the only two columns that should be concerned is 1 and 16.

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COLRM(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						  COLRM(1)

colrm -- remove columns from a file SYNOPSIS
colrm [start [stop]] DESCRIPTION
The colrm utility removes selected columns from the lines of a file. A column is defined as a single character in a line. Input is read from the standard input. Output is written to the standard output. If only the start column is specified, columns numbered less than the start column will be written. If both start and stop columns are spec- ified, columns numbered less than the start column or greater than the stop column will be written. Column numbering starts with one, not zero. Tab characters increment the column count to the next multiple of eight. Backspace characters decrement the column count by one. ENVIRONMENT
The LANG, LC_ALL and LC_CTYPE environment variables affect the execution of colrm as described in environ(7). EXIT STATUS
The colrm utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. SEE ALSO
awk(1), column(1), cut(1), paste(1) HISTORY
The colrm command appeared in 3.0BSD. BSD
August 4, 2004 BSD
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