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Full Discussion: GNUPLOT problem
Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers GNUPLOT problem Post 302568864 by jamie_123 on Friday 28th of October 2011 12:38:36 PM
Old 10-28-2011
I'm sorry, but I did not find some forum related directly to this issue. Let me know if there is a better place to put it up.

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VP(4)							     Kernel Interfaces Manual							     VP(4)

vp - Versatec printer-plotter DESCRIPTION
Vp0 is the interface to a Versatec D1200A printer-plotter with a Versatec C-PDP11(DMA) controller. Ordinarily bytes written on it are interpreted as ASCII characters and printed. As a printer, it writes 64 lines of 132 characters each on 11 by 8.5 inch paper. Only some of the ASCII control characters are interpreted. NL performs the usual new-line function, i.e. spaces up the paper and resets to the left margin. It is ignored however following a CR which ends a non-empty line. CR is ignored if the current line is empty but is otherwise like NL. FF resets to the left margin and then to the top of the next page. EOT resets to the left margin, advances 8 inches, and then performs a FF. The ioctl(2) system call may be used to change the mode of the device. Only the first word of the 3-word argument structure is used. The bits mean: 0400 Enter simultaneous print/plot mode. 0200 Enter plot mode. 0100 Enter print mode (default on open). 040 Send remote terminate. 020 Send remote form-feed. 010 Send remote EOT. 04 Send remote clear. 02 Send remote reset. On open a reset, clear, and form-feed are performed automatically. Notice that the mode bits are not encoded, so that it is required that exactly one be set. In plot mode each byte is interpreted as 8 bits of which the high-order is plotted to the left; a `1' leaves a visible dot. A full line of dots is produced by 264 bytes; lines are terminated only by count or by a remote terminate function. There are 200 dots per inch both ver- tically and horizontally. When simultaneous print-plot mode is entered exactly one line of characters, terminated by NL, CR, or the remote terminate function, should be written. Then the device enters plot mode and at least 20 lines of plotting bytes should be sent. As the line of characters (which is 20 dots high) is printed, the plotting bytes overlay the characters. Notice that it is impossible to print characters on baselines that differ by fewer than 20 dot-lines. In print mode lines may be terminated either with an appropriate ASCII character or by using the remote terminate function. FILES
/dev/vp0 SEE ALSO
opr(1) VP(4)
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