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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Remove duplicate lines from a 50 MB file size Post 302577578 by balajesuri on Tuesday 29th of November 2011 11:11:40 AM
Old 11-29-2011
I didn't read the post completely. But you might get some tips.
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FDUPES(1)						      General Commands Manual							 FDUPES(1)

fdupes - finds duplicate files in a given set of directories SYNOPSIS
fdupes [ options ] DIRECTORY ... DESCRIPTION
Searches the given path for duplicate files. Such files are found by comparing file sizes and MD5 signatures, followed by a byte-by-byte comparison. OPTIONS
-r --recurse include files residing in subdirectories -s --symlinks follow symlinked directories -H --hardlinks normally, when two or more files point to the same disk area they are treated as non-duplicates; this option will change this behav- ior -n --noempty exclude zero-length files from consideration -f --omitfirst omit the first file in each set of matches -1 --sameline list each set of matches on a single line -S --size show size of duplicate files -q --quiet hide progress indicator -d --delete prompt user for files to preserve, deleting all others (see CAVEATS below) -v --version display fdupes version -h --help displays help SEE ALSO
md5sum(1) NOTES
Unless -1 or --sameline is specified, duplicate files are listed together in groups, each file displayed on a separate line. The groups are then separated from each other by blank lines. When -1 or --sameline is specified, spaces and backslash characters () appearing in a filename are preceded by a backslash character. CAVEATS
If fdupes returns with an error message such as fdupes: error invoking md5sum it means the program has been compiled to use an external program to calculate MD5 signatures (otherwise, fdupes uses interal routines for this purpose), and an error has occurred while attempting to execute it. If this is the case, the specified program should be properly installed prior to running fdupes. When using -d or --delete, care should be taken to insure against accidental data loss. When used together with options -s or --symlink, a user could accidentally preserve a symlink while deleting the file it points to. Furthermore, when specifying a particular directory more than once, all files within that directory will be listed as their own duplicates, leading to data loss should a user preserve a file without its "duplicate" (the file itself!). AUTHOR
Adrian Lopez <adrian2@caribe.net> FDUPES(1)
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