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Full Discussion: Solaris Performance tuning
Operating Systems Solaris Solaris Performance tuning Post 302578814 by FERCA on Friday 2nd of December 2011 11:18:23 AM
Old 12-02-2011
You need knowing where are your problem, for this, you can follow the following steps:

First: Checking processor and memory usage from global zone

# prstat -Z
Second: Disks status

# iostat -zxcntp 5

With this, you could see somethings bottleneck.
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pset_getloadavg(3C)					   Standard C Library Functions 				       pset_getloadavg(3C)

pset_getloadavg - get system load averages for a processor set SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/pset.h> #include <sys/loadavg.h> int pset_getloadavg(psetid_t pset, double loadavg[], int nelem); DESCRIPTION
The pset_getloadavg() function returns the number of processes assigned to the specified processor set that are in the system run queue, averaged over various periods of time. Up to nelem samples are retrieved and assigned to successive elements of loadavg[]. The system imposes a maximum of 3 samples, representing averages over the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes, respectively. The LOADAVG_1MIN, LOADAVG_5MIN, and LOADAVG_15MIN indices, defined in <sys/loadavg.h>, can be used to extract the data from the appropri- ate element of the loadavg[] array. If pset is PS_NONE, the load average for processes not assigned to a processor set is returned. If pset is PS_MYID, the load average for the processor set to which the caller is bound is returned. If the caller is not bound to a pro- cessor set, the result is the same as if PS_NONE was specified. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, the number of samples actually retrieved is returned. If the load average was unobtainable or the processor set does not exist, -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
The pset_getloadavg() function will fail if: EINVAL The number of elements specified is less than 0, or an invalid processor set ID was specified. The caller is in a non-global zone, the pools facility is active, and the specified processor set is not that of the zone's pool. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Stable | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Async-Signal-Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
uptime(1), w(1), psrset(1M), prstat(1M), pset_bind(2), pset_create(2), Kstat(3PERL), attributes(5) SunOS 5.10 28 Jun 2004 pset_getloadavg(3C)
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