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Full Discussion: useradd
Operating Systems Solaris useradd Post 302583314 by h@foorsa.biz on Tuesday 20th of December 2011 06:23:57 AM
Old 12-20-2011
Originally Posted by h@foorsa.biz
groupadd $mygroup
while [ $i -le $numusr ]
useradd  -d /export/home/$uid$i -m -g 100 -s /usr/bin/ksh 
i=$i + 1

user names will be user1 , user2 , user20 and so forth .
if you mean user uid they will be a sequence of numeric values which starts with the last uid taken and ends with the last user that were created.

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qmail-users(5)                                                  File Formats Manual                                                 qmail-users(5)

qmail-users - assign mail addresses to users OVERVIEW
The file /var/lib/qmail/users/assign assigns addresses to users. For example, =joe.shmoe:joe:503:78:/home/joe::: says that mail for joe.shmoe should be delivered to user joe, with uid 503 and gid 78, as specified by /home/joe/.qmail. Assignments fed to qmail-newu will be used by qmail-lspawn to control qmail-local's deliveries. See qmail-newu(8). A change to /var/lib/qmail/users/assign will have no effect until qmail-newu is run. STRUCTURE
/var/lib/qmail/users/assign is a series of assignments, one per line. It ends with a line containing a single dot. Lines must not contain NUL. SIMPLE ASSIGNMENTS
A simple assignment is a line of the form =local:user:uid:gid:homedir:dash:ext: Here local is an address; user, uid, and gid are the account name, uid, and gid of the user in charge of local; and messages to local will be controlled by homedir/.qmaildashext. If there are several assignments for the same local address, qmail-lspawn will use the first one. local is interpreted without regard to case. WILDCARD ASSIGNMENTS
A wildcard assignment is a line of the form +loc:user:uid:gid:homedir:dash:pre: This assignment applies to any address beginning with loc, including loc itself. It means the same as =locext:user:uid:gid:homedir:dash:preext: for every string ext. A more specific wildcard assignment overrides a less specific assignment, and a simple assignment overrides any wildcard assignment. For example: +:alias:7790:2108:/var/lib/qmail/alias:-:: +joe-:joe:507:100:/home/joe:-:: =joe:joe:507:100:/home/joe::: The address joe is handled by the third line; the address joe-direct is handled by the second line; the address bill is handled by the first line. SEE ALSO
qmail-pw2u(8), qmail-newu(8), qmail-lspawn(8) qmail-users(5)
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