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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Unable to reduce the size of volume group? Post 302587046 by vbe on Wednesday 4th of January 2012 03:32:34 AM
Old 01-04-2012
Greetings Pinga,
as frappa mentionned vgreduce is to remove PVs (which are finally disk devices...), what was your intention? For you still have in that vg 100GB unallocated; is vg00 the one containing your OS?

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VGREDUCE(8)						      System Manager's Manual						       VGREDUCE(8)

vgreduce - reduce a volume group SYNOPSIS
vgreduce [-a|--all] [-A|--autobackup y|n] [-d|--debug] [-h|-?|--help] [--removemissing] [-t|--test] [-v|--verbose] VolumeGroupName [Physi- calVolumePath...] DESCRIPTION
vgreduce allows you to remove one or more unused physical volumes from a volume group. OPTIONS
See lvm for common options. -a, --all Removes all empty physical volumes if none are given on command line. --removemissing Removes all missing physical volumes from the volume group, if there are no logical volumes allocated on those. This resumes normal operation of the volume group (new logical volumes may again be created, changed and so on). If this is not possible (there are logical volumes referencing the missing physical volumes) and you cannot or do not want to remove them manually, you can run this option with --force to have vgreduce remove any partial LVs. Any logical volumes and dependent snapshots that were partly on the missing disks get removed completely. This includes those parts that lie on disks that are still present. If your logical volumes spanned several disks including the ones that are lost, you might want to try to salvage data first by acti- vating your logical volumes with --partial as described in lvm (8). SEE ALSO
lvm(8), vgextend(8) Sistina Software UK LVM TOOLS 2.02.95(2) (2012-03-06) VGREDUCE(8)
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