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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting new line after specific number character Post 302595942 by kalpeer on Monday 6th of February 2012 03:53:28 AM
Old 02-06-2012
can u pls exaplain what exactly you needed

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hello all, I have file like this "infile.txt" (all data in one line) A240 582247.99974288.7 8.0 239 582248.19974301.1 8.0 238 582248.39974313.6 8.01A 237 582248.49974326.1 8.0 236 582248.69974338.6 8.0 235 582248.79974351.1 8.01A 234 582248.99974363.5 8.0 233 582249.19974376.0 8.0 232... (4 Replies)
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Hi All, I've a file like this.. Sheet1 a,1 a,2 a,3 a,4 a,5 Sheet2 a,6 a,7 a,8 a,9 a,10 Sheet3 a,11 a,12 a,13 (7 Replies)
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7. Shell Programming and Scripting

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my requirement is, consider a file output cat output blah sdjfhjkd jsdfhjksdh sdfs 23423 sdfsdf sdf"sdfsdf"sdfsdf"""""dsf hellow there this doesnt look good et cetc etc etcetera i want to replace a line of line number 4 ("this doesnt look good") with some other line ... (3 Replies)
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HI Input :- Aog:0rt__dev_8 LAAXU24 vs.3 LAA40l0 ** LAAXU241 ** Output :- Aog:0rt__dev_8 LAAXU24 vs.3 Delete the line with ** (3 Replies)
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I will appreciate if you help me here in this script in Solaris Enviroment. Scenario: i have 2 files : 1) /tmp/TRANSACTIONS_DAILY_20180730.txt: 201807300000000004 201807300000000005 201807300000000006 201807300000000007 201807300000000008 2)... (10 Replies)
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How to insert new line after a specific character in scripts?

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PLS(1)							   http://synce.sourceforge.net/						    PLS(1)

pls - list directory contents SYNOPSIS
pls [-a] [-R] [-d LEVEL] [-p DEVNAME] [-h] [DIRECTORY] DESCRIPTION
pls list the contents of a directory on a device connected through SynCE. Forward slashes ('/') on the command line are converted to backward slashes (''). File attributes A Archive C Compressed D Directory H Hidden I In ROM M ROM module (can only be executed, not read!) N Normal R Read-only S System T Temporary OPTIONS
-d LEVEL Set debug log level: 0 - No logging (default) 1 - Errors only 2 - Errors and warnings 3 - Everything -p DEVNAME Use the device with the given name, instead of the default. -a Show all files including those marked as hidden. -R Recursively list subdirectories. -h Display help message. DIRECTORY The full path name to the directory. Wild cards are allowed, but only for the trailing part of the path, and should be protected from the shell. If this parameter is relative, it is assumed to be relative to the "My Documents" folder. Similarly, if this parame- ter is omitted, the contents of the "My Documents" folder is listed. AUTHOR
This manual page was written by David Eriksson <twogood@users.sourceforge.net>. SEE ALSO
synce(1) pcp(1) pls(1) prm(1) pmkdir(1) prmdir(1) The SynCE project November 2002 PLS(1)
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