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Full Discussion: SCO on HP ML110G7
Operating Systems SCO SCO on HP ML110G7 Post 302596696 by jithanid on Wednesday 8th of February 2012 04:22:10 AM
Old 02-08-2012
SCO on HP ML110G7

Has anybody installed SCO 5.7 or 6 on any HP ML110 G7 server?

If you have done, please share your experience.

Thanks and regards,

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MKFS.BFS(8)						Linux System Administrator's Manual					       MKFS.BFS(8)

mkfs.bfs - make an SCO bfs filesystem SYNOPSIS
mkfs.bfs [-N nr-of-inodes] [-V volume-name] [-F fsname] device [size-in-blocks] DESCRIPTION
mkfs.bfs creates an SCO bfs file-system on a block device (usually a disk partition or a file accessed via the loop device). The size-in-blocks parameter is the desired size of the file system, in blocks. If nothing is specified, the entire partition will be used. OPTIONS
-N Specify the desired number of inodes (at most 512). If nothing is specified some default number in the range 48-512 is picked depending on the size of the partition. -V volume-label Specify the volume label. I have no idea if/where this is used. -F fsname Specify the fsname. I have no idea if/where this is used. -v Be verbose. EXIT CODES
The exit code returned by mkfs.bfs is 0 when all went well, and 1 when something went wrong. SEE ALSO
The mkfs.bfs command is part of the util-linux package and is available from ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/. Util-linux 2.9x 12 Sept 1999 MKFS.BFS(8)
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