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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How i can obtain differents data on a single pass? Post 302598141 by alexscript on Monday 13th of February 2012 01:35:41 PM
Old 02-13-2012
Help for the creation of a Dynamic menu generator for pekwm (Windows Manager)

for i in `ls -c1 /usr/share/applications`
#name=`cat /usr/share/applications/$i | grep ^Name= | cut -d = -f2`
#categories=`cat /usr/share/applications/$i | grep ^Categories= | sed 's/;/=/g' | cut -d = -f2`
name=$(grep ^Name=  /usr/share/applications/$i | cut -d = -f2)
executable=$(grep ^Exec= /usr/share/applications/$i | cut -d = -f2)
icon=$(grep ^Icon= /usr/share/applications/$i | cut -d = -f2)
categories=$(grep ^Categories= /usr/share/applications/$i | sed 's/;/=/g' | cut -d = -f2)
echo $name
echo $icon
echo $executable
echo $categories

Actually i make 4 access on the single file for obtain each time one single data,is it possible obtain all the data on a single pass?
While is ok for me maintain 4 distinct variable.
Naturally using only bash or bash+sed or bash+awk or bash+grep+cut.

Last edited by alexscript; 02-16-2012 at 11:59 AM.. Reason: I think that title is more appropriate

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ZGREP(1)						      General Commands Manual							  ZGREP(1)

zgrep - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression SYNOPSIS
zgrep [ grep_options ] [ -e ] pattern filename... DESCRIPTION
Zgrep invokes grep on compressed or gzipped files. These grep options will cause zgrep to terminate with an error code: (-[drRzZ]|--di*|--exc*|--inc*|--rec*|--nu*). All other options specified are passed directly to grep. If no file is specified, then the standard input is decompressed if necessary and fed to grep. Otherwise the given files are uncompressed if necessary and fed to grep. If the GREP environment variable is set, zgrep uses it as the grep program to be invoked. EXIT CODE
2 - An option that is not supported was specified. AUTHOR
Charles Levert (charles@comm.polymtl.ca) SEE ALSO
grep(1), gzexe(1), gzip(1), zdiff(1), zforce(1), zmore(1), znew(1) ZGREP(1)
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