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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Calculate byte size of string Post 302608953 by Scrutinizer on Monday 19th of March 2012 04:44:18 AM
Old 03-19-2012
Why do you need to escape the double quote? If it is inside the string than that should not be necessary, I would think. Have you tried it without the \ . What error message did you get and could you show us what you were trying?

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XML::Grove::AsCanonXML(3)				User Contributed Perl Documentation				 XML::Grove::AsCanonXML(3)

XML::Grove::AsCanonXML - output XML objects in canonical XML SYNOPSIS
use XML::Grove::AsCanonXML; # Using as_canon_xml method on XML::Grove objects: $string = $xml_object->as_canon_xml( OPTIONS ); # Using an XML::Grove::AsCanonXML instance: $writer = XML::Grove::AsCanonXML->new( OPTIONS ); $string = $writer->as_canon_xml($xml_object); $writer->as_canon_xml($xml_object, $file_handle); DESCRIPTION
"XML::Grove::AsCanonXML" will return a string or write a stream of canonical XML for an XML object and it's content (if any). "XML::Grove::AsCanonXML" objects hold the options used for writing the XML objects. Options can be supplied when the the object is created, $writer = XML::Grove::AsCanonXML->new( Comments => 1 ); or modified at any time before writing an XML object by setting the option directly in the `$writer' hash. OPTIONS
Comments By default comments are not written to the output. Setting comment to TRUE will include comments in the output. AUTHOR
Ken MacLeod, ken@bitsko.slc.ut.us SEE ALSO
perl(1), XML::Parser(3), XML::Grove(3). James Clark's Canonical XML definition <http://www.jclark.com/xml/canonxml.html> perl v5.16.3 1999-08-17 XML::Grove::AsCanonXML(3)
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