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Full Discussion: Linux on LVM
Operating Systems Linux Slackware Linux on LVM Post 302616259 by dragonnefyre on Friday 30th of March 2012 06:24:35 PM
Old 03-30-2012
Re: Linux on LVM

Hi Tlogine,

The bootloader is written to the mbr unless you specify somewhere else, eg superblock of the root partition. The initrd will be written to /boot which may be in the root partition or on a partition of it's own.

I am not too sure about grub, but it may work in a similar way. I have used grub with Gentoo, but that was a few years ago. Most of my experience is with lilo. The grub man page should be helpful. I use a separate/boot partition. I reckon it is easier this way and makes life easier. The source code for grub can be found in /extra/source/grub on the DVD. That is version 0.97. Version 1.99 of grub can be found on Slackbuilds. I am sticking with lilo as it just works. Thanks to Patrick and his team for all their hard work.

I hope this helps you and is what you are looking for.


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PVCK(8) 						      System Manager's Manual							   PVCK(8)

pvck - check physical volume metadata SYNOPSIS
pvck [-d|--debug] [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [--labelsector] PhysicalVolume [PhysicalVolume...] DESCRIPTION
pvck checks physical volume LVM metadata for consistency. OPTIONS
See lvm for common options. --labelsector sector By default, 4 sectors of PhysicalVolume are scanned for an LVM label, starting at sector 0. This parameter allows you to specify a different starting sector for the scan and is useful for recovery situations. For example, suppose the partition table is corrupted or lost on /dev/sda, but you suspect there was an LVM partition at approximately 100 MB. This area of the disk may be scanned by using the --labelsector parameter with a value of 204800 (100 * 1024 * 1024 / 512 = 204800): pvck --labelsector 204800 /dev/sda Note that a script can be used with --labelsector to automate the process of finding LVM labels. SEE ALSO
lvm(8), pvcreate(8), pvscan(8) vgck(8) Sistina Software UK LVM TOOLS 2.02.95(2) (2012-03-06) PVCK(8)
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