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Operating Systems Solaris Meaning of error-reset-recovery parameter in OK Post 302644093 by sb200 on Monday 21st of May 2012 09:46:21 AM
Old 05-21-2012
Meaning of error-reset-recovery parameter in OK


Could any one explain the meaning & purpose of below mention parameters in layman term. Suppose if we set below paramet what will happen.



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ovdb_recover(8) 					    InterNetNews Documentation						   ovdb_recover(8)

ovdb_recover - Perform recovery on the ovdb database, if needed SYNOPSYS
ovdb_recover [-f] DESCRIPTION
Attempts to open the ovdb database, and if the database needs recovery, it attempts to perform the recovery. Similar in function to the BerkeleyDB db_recover command. Specify the `-f' option to force a recovery, even if the database appears to not need it. It is not an error to perform a recovery opera- tion on a clean database. However, do not run `ovdb_recover -f' while the database is in use by any other processes. Returns exit status of 0 if the database did not need recovery or if recovery succeeded, and returns exit status 1 if recovery failed. In the latter case, the database may be damaged beyond repair, requiring a rebuild with makehistory(8). This command is normally called automatically by rc.news(8). HISTORY
Written by Heath Kehoe <hakehoe@avalon.net> for InterNetNews. SEE ALSO
ovdb(5), makehistory(8) 3rd Berkeley Distribution INN 2.3 ovdb_recover(8)
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