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Full Discussion: Perl file handling error
Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Perl file handling error Post 302652021 by Beginer123 on Wednesday 6th of June 2012 12:19:26 PM
Old 06-06-2012
yes the TEMP open and data also write to the file.
I am getting the desired result as I required, but my problem is
while running the script the mention error message display in the screen.

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script(1)						      General Commands Manual							 script(1)

script - make typescript of terminal session SYNOPSIS
makes a typescript of everything printed on your terminal. It starts a shell named by the environment variable, or by default and silently records a copy of output to your terminal from that shell or its descendents, using a pseudo-terminal device (see pty(7)). All output is written to file, or appended to file if the option is given. If no file name is given, the output is saved in a file named The recording can be sent to a line printer later with lp(1), or reviewed safely with the option of cat(1). The recording ends when the forked shell exits (or the user ends the session by typing "exit") or the shell and all its descendents close the pseudo-terminal device. This program is useful when operating a CRT display and a hard-copy record of the dialog is desired. It can also be used for a simple form of session auditing. respects the convention for login shells as described in su(1), sh(1), and ksh(1). Thus, if it is invoked with a command name beginning with a hyphen (that is, passes a basename to the shell that is also preceded by a hyphen. The input flow control can be enabled by setting environmental variable before running Please see section for details on using this envi- ronment variable. EXAMPLES
Save everything printed on the user's screen into file Append a copy of everything printed to the user's screen to file WARNINGS
A command such as which displays the contents of the destination file, should not be issued while executing because it would cause to log the output of the command to itself until all available disk space is filled. Other commands, such as more(1), can cause the same problem but to a lesser degree. records all received output in the file, including typing errors, backspaces, and cursor motions. Note that it does not record typed char- acters; only echoed characters. Thus passwords are not recorded in the file. Responses other than simple echoes (such as output from screen-oriented editors and command editing) are recorded as they appeared in the original session. When there is no input flow control is not set), there can be some data loss while using However, script(1) can behave unexpectedly, if is set and is not set. AUTHOR
was developed by the University of California, Berkeley and HP. script(1)
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