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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to take the missing sequence Number? Post 302675967 by Venkatesh1 on Monday 23rd of July 2012 11:58:40 PM
Old 07-24-2012
thanks agama
its working fine ..but its taking the value from 1 ..
i dont want like that..
for ex:
first line in the file is 3
wants missing no after first line ..

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cdk_params(3)						     Library Functions Manual						     cdk_params(3)

cdk_params - Cdk command-line parsing SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lcdk [ library ... ] #include <cdk.h> int CDKparamNumber ( CDK_PARAMS *params, int option); int CDKparamNumber2 ( CDK_PARAMS *params, int option, int missing); char * CDKparamString ( CDK_PARAMS *params, int option); char * CDKparamString2 ( CDK_PARAMS *params, int option, char *missing); void CDKparseParams ( int argc, char **argv, CDK_PARAMS *params, char *options); int CDKparsePosition ( char *string); int CDKparamValue ( CDK_PARAMS * params, int option, int missing); DESCRIPTION
These are a set of functions used to implement the command-line utilities and demonstration programs for Cdk. Rather than set the pro- grams' options at initialization, they construct a simple database which holds the common parameters using CDKparseParams(). AVAILABLE FUNCTIONS
CDKparamNumber Retrieves an integer (or boolean) option value from the parsed command-line. CDKparamNumber2 Retrieves an optional integer (or boolean) value from the parsed command-line. If the command line option is not present, the missing value is used. CDKparamString Retrieves a string option value from the parsed command-line. CDKparamString2 Retrieve an optional string option value from the parsed command-line. CDKparamValue Retrieve an integer (or boolean) option value from the parsed command-line. CDKparseParams Parse the given argc/argv command-line, with the options passed to getopt()'s 3rd parameter. CDKparsePosition Parse the string as one of CDK's positioning keywords, or an actual position. SEE ALSO
cdk_position (3), getopt (3) cdk_params(3)
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