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Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users Not able to Display the Catched Signal Post 302688677 by Don Cragun on Sunday 19th of August 2012 11:47:45 PM
Old 08-20-2012
STDIO streams are either fully buffered (i.e., the buffer is not flushed until the buffer is full), line buffered (i.e., the buffer is flushed when a complete line is in the buffer or the buffer is full), or unbuffered (i.e., the buffer is flushed whenever there is data in the buffer [usually at the end of a call to a stdio function like putc(), printf(), or fwrite()]). By default, stderr is not fully buffered. By default, stdin and stdout cannot be fully buffered unless the system can determine that the stream is not connected to a TTY device file.

So adding a "\n" to your printf() format string will usually initiate a flush of stdout's buffer before printf() returns to the calling program unless the ouput of the program is redirected to a regular file. You can manually flush the buffer anytime you want to with a call to fflush(stdout), and you can use setvbuf() to change the buffering mode for a stream to any of the three forms of buffering for any open stream.
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KILL(1)                                                            User Commands                                                           KILL(1)

kill - send a signal to a process SYNOPSIS
kill [options] <pid> [...] DESCRIPTION
The default signal for kill is TERM. Use -l or -L to list available signals. Particularly useful signals include HUP, INT, KILL, STOP, CONT, and 0. Alternate signals may be specified in three ways: -9, -SIGKILL or -KILL. Negative PID values may be used to choose whole process groups; see the PGID column in ps command output. A PID of -1 is special; it indicates all processes except the kill process itself and init. OPTIONS
<pid> [...] Send signal to every <pid> listed. -<signal> -s <signal> --signal <signal> Specify the signal to be sent. The signal can be specified by using name or number. The behavior of signals is explained in sig- nal(7) manual page. -l, --list [signal] List signal names. This option has optional argument, which will convert signal number to signal name, or other way round. -L, --table List signal names in a nice table. NOTES Your shell (command line interpreter) may have a built-in kill command. You may need to run the command described here as /bin/kill to solve the conflict. EXAMPLES
kill -9 -1 Kill all processes you can kill. kill -l 11 Translate number 11 into a signal name. kill -L List the available signal choices in a nice table. kill 123 543 2341 3453 Send the default signal, SIGTERM, to all those processes. SEE ALSO
kill(2), killall(1), nice(1), pkill(1), renice(1), signal(7), skill(1) STANDARDS
This command meets appropriate standards. The -L flag is Linux-specific. AUTHOR
Albert Cahalan <albert@users.sf.net> wrote kill in 1999 to replace a bsdutils one that was not standards compliant. The util-linux one might also work correctly. REPORTING BUGS
Please send bug reports to <procps@freelists.org> procps-ng October 2011 KILL(1)
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