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Operating Systems SCO Issue using SCO java SerialDemo Post 302720807 by jdsnatl on Wednesday 24th of October 2012 04:13:52 PM
Old 10-24-2012
Yes to root.
Not sure as to the getty/uucp question.
Yes to COM1.
Yes to MP5 being installed.

This actually ended up being something of a non-issue. When I actually went to develop the java app I needed, I didn't ever encounter problems closing serial ports. Still not sure why the demo explodes, but at this point I don't really care.

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java-functions(7)						RPM Java packaging						 java-functions(7)

java-functions - Functions library for Java applications. Written for the JPackage Project <http://www.jpackage.org/>: SYNOPSIS
set_jvm() Set the java virtual machine. Use a JAVA_HOME if defined, or try to find it from java command set_classpath() Set the classpath - this functions requires a valid JAVA_HOME, JAVACMD, and JAVA_LIBDIR. JARs could be specified as an argument, or via ADDITIONAL_JARS variable. set_javacmd() set the JAVACMD variable. Options should be passed via JAVACMD_OPTS variable. set_flags() set FLAGS variable. They could be specified as an argument, or via ADDITIONAL_FLAGS variable. set_options() set OPTIONS variable. They could be specified as an argument, or via ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS variable. run() run the application. It executed a following command. If VERBOSE is defined, then it prints the command to stdout. exec $JAVACMD $FLAGS -classpath $CLASSPATH $OPTIONS $MAIN_CLASS "$@" set_jvm_dirs() set JVM-related directories (JVM_LIBDIR, JAVA_VERSION, JAVAVER_LIBDIR and JAVAVER_JNIDIR variables). Requires a correct JAVA_LIBDIR, JAVA_HOME and JAVA_CMD. link_jar_repository() links a jar repository. Options could be found in build-jar-repository(1) find_jar() finds a specific extention (jar or directory). Requires a correct JAVA_LIBDIR, JAVAVER_LIBDIR and JVM_LIBDIR. Used by find-jar(1) com- mand. do_find_jar() core routine used by find_jar() check_java_env() checks java environment - the JAVA_HOME, JAVACMD, JAVA_LIBDIR, JNI_LIBDIR variables. DESCRIPTION
This is a library of generic shell functions which should be used on jpackage.org compatible distributions. FILES
/use/share/java-utils/java-functions shell script functions library for Java applications /etc/java/java.conf system-wide Java configuration file ~/.java/java.conf user's Java configuration SEE ALSO
Regular Manual Pages build-jar-repository(1) find-jar(1) java.conf(5) jpackage-utils(7) AUTHORS
Guillaume Rousse <guillomovitch@sourceforge.net> Ville Skytta <scop at jpackage.org> David Walluck <david@jpackage.org> Nicolas Mailhot <Nicolas.Mailhot at laPoste.net> REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs using JPackage Bugzilla (http://www.jpackage.org/bugzilla/) jpackage-utils 1.7.5 February 2009 java-functions(7)
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