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Full Discussion: Line Break Issue in XML file
Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Line Break Issue in XML file Post 302743525 by UnniVKN on Thursday 13th of December 2012 01:39:54 AM
Old 12-13-2012
Hi itkamaraj & pamu,

Thanks a lot for your valuable time & effort. I have tested the code & it is working fine. Keep it up your good work. Smilie

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XML(3pm)						User Contributed Perl Documentation						  XML(3pm)

CGI::XML - Perl extension for converting CGI.pm variables to/from XML SYNOPSIS
use CGI::XML; $q = new CGI::XML; # convert CGI.pm variables to XML $xml = $q->toXML; $xml = $q->toXML($root); # convert XML to CGI.pm variables $q->toCGI($xml); DESCRIPTION
The CGI::XML module converts CGI.pm variables to XML and vice versa. CGI::XML is a subclass of CGI.pm, so it reads the CGI variables just as CGI.pm would. METHODS
$q = new CGI::XML creates a new instance of CGI::XML. You also have access to all of the methods in CGI.pm. $q->toXML([$root]) where $root is an optional parameter that specifies the root element. By default, toXML will not return a root element. $q->toCGI($xml) where $xml is the XML you would like to convert to CGI.pm parameters. Values in the XML will overwrite any existing values if they exist. NOTE
CGI::XML does not currently handle multiple selections passed from HTML forms. This will be added in a future release. AUTHOR
Jonathan Eisenzopf <eisen@pobox.com> CONTRIBUTORS
David Black <dblack@candle.superlink.net> SEE ALSO
perl(1), XML::Parser(3). perl v5.8.8 2004-12-05 XML(3pm)
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