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Operating Systems Solaris IPlanet Website Root directory? Post 302796283 by Nvizn on Friday 19th of April 2013 07:14:38 AM
Old 04-19-2013
Originally Posted by DustinT
More helpfully, try determining if you're running Apache or some other web-server. Then, hit Google and find some instructions on how to locate the files and then how to understand what they mean.

I'll be honest, and please don't take offense to what I'm about to say. If you have to ask this sort of question, you really are in trouble. Honestly, if you don't know this sort of stuff, you'd be better off having someone host your site for you. Or, I hope at least you're not running this website on the internet and instead it's on your local network and you're trying to learn.

If you are trying to learn, congratulations, it's a great way to be a success in life. Just be prepared to spend at lot of time figuring this out. I'd say a few months to grasp the fundamentals and another or so to be any good.
"iPlanet" is the webserver.

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root_archive(1M)														  root_archive(1M)

root_archive - manage bootable miniroot archives SYNOPSIS
/boot/solaris/bin/root_archive pack archive root /boot/solaris/bin/root_archive unpack archive root /boot/solaris/bin/root_archive packmedia solaris_image root /boot/solaris/bin/root_archive unpackmedia solaris_image root The root_archive utility is used to manage bootable miniroot archives and is currently only available on platforms. The utility can pack and unpack boot/root archives in both ufs and hsfs (iso9660) format. It will always generate ufs archives. root_archive also uses the lofi file driver to export a file as a block device (see lofi(7D)) and mount to mount or unmount file systems and remote resources (see mount(1M)). root_archive requires the same privileges that are needed to run these commands. SUBCOMMANDS
The root_archive command has the following subcommands: pack archive root Pack from the image found under the root directory to the archive. unpack archive root Unpack from the archive to an unpacked image under the root directory. packmedia solaris_image root Pack the solaris image to the root directory. unpackmedia solaris_image root Unpack the solaris image from the root directory. For packmedia and unpackmedia, other items that do not go into the ramdisk image are copied or uncopied (see cpio(1)) as well. Specifi- cally, this includes all the packaging databases needed for pkgadd and the other packaging utilities to succeed which are not used in the running and hence pruned to conserve memory. EXAMPLES
Example 1: Unpacking the Solaris x86 install image The following command unpacks the current Solaris image from the root directory: # root_archive unpackmedia /export/nv/solarisdvd.nvx_dvd/latest /export/Boot Where /export/nv/solarisdvd.nvx_dvd/latest represents a path to a Solaris x86 install image and /export/Boot is a directory that will be purged or created, as necessary. Example 2: Packing the Solaris x86 install image The following command packs the current Solaris image to the root directory: # root_archive packmedia /export/nv/solarisdvd.nvx_dvd/latest /export/Boot The following exit values are returned: 0 The command completed successfully. 1 The command exited due to an error. See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Stable | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ cpio(1), bootadm(1M), mount(1M), attributes(5), lofi(7D) 26 Sep 2005 root_archive(1M)
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