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Full Discussion: Diff of 2 files using perl
Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Diff of 2 files using perl Post 302799095 by ajayram_arya on Thursday 25th of April 2013 05:59:29 PM
Old 04-25-2013
I have a perl script so i want to add the below step in perl .

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Moderator, please, delete this topic (1 Reply)
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build-lives-rfx-plugin(1)				      General Commands Manual					 build-lives-rfx-plugin(1)

build-lives-rfx-plugin - builds rendered effects for LiVES SYNOPSIS
build-lives-rfx-plugin script_name [plugin_dir] -get section file DESCRIPTION
This perl script is used by LiVES to compile an RFX (rendered effect) plugin for LiVES. It is generally called from build-lives-rfx-plugin- multi for a script which has a language code representing LiVES-perl. The script_name must be the full (absolute) path to the plugin script, and plugin_dir can be used to specify the output directory where the compiled plugin should be generated. If plugin_dir is not defined then /tmp is assumed. The second variant with -get is used to print out a script section from a plugin script to stdout. It is generally only used internally by LiVES. Return values The script returns the following values 0 - success 1 - the value of a trigger was greater than the number of parameters 2 - a value could not be read from the script file 3 - the language code of the plugin script was not equivalent to LiVES-perl 4 - the API version level of the plugin script was invalid 5 - the <define> section was missing from the plugin script SEE ALSO
build-lives-rfx-plugin-multi(1), lives(1) AUTHOR
Gabriel Finch a.k.a Salsaman (salsaman@xs4all.nl) May 9 2010 build-lives-rfx-plugin(1)
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