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Full Discussion: VIO SEA Adapters
Operating Systems AIX VIO SEA Adapters Post 302842695 by karlochacon on Friday 9th of August 2013 04:59:41 PM
Old 08-09-2013
Originally Posted by ibmtech
Yes indeed, you are correct.
But, again there are few things you have to consider before creating SEA, you mentioned that these are Blade Servers, so how are you viewing them, through HMC or IVM? How many VIOS you have on each Blade?

If you have only one VIO on each blade, then SEA holds no good, coz it won't failover. If you have two VIOS, then only you are good to go for SEA.

Now, considering you have two VIOS, we have to figure out which virtual adapter (out of the 4) is your primary adapter and which is control channel adapter. You can check the profile (of virtual adapter) if a adapter has been check as access external network, and given a trunking priority then it is your primary adapter, for control channel adapter you WONT select access external network, and most shops give it a vlan no of 99 (purely environment based, so such standard), so as to distinguish control channel adapter from others.

You cannot use smitty (in rksh), you have to use mkdev command to create SEA.
$ mkvdev -sea "real adapt" -vadapter "primary virt adapt" -default "primary virt adapt" -defaultid "PVID" -attr ha_mode=auto ctrl_chan="control channel adapt"

Hope this helps.
Yes this is IBM Blades.
- I am using IVM.
- Just one VIO is installed.

So in that case having just one VIOs which is the option for high availability when one physical NIC fails?

I added a PDF with IVM NICs Config

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asadmin-list-resource-adapter-configs(1AS)			   User Commands			asadmin-list-resource-adapter-configs(1AS)

asadmin-list-resource-adapter-configs, list-resource-adapter-configs - lists the configuration information created in domain.xml for the connector module SYNOPSIS
list-resource-adapter-configs --user admin_user [--password admin_password][--host localhost] [--port 4848][--secure|-s] [--passwordfile filename] [--terse=false] [--echo=false] [--interactive=true] [--verbose=false][--ranameconnector_module_name] Lists the configuration information in the domain.xml for the connector module. It lists an entry called resource-adapter-config in the domain.xml. This command is supported in remote mode only. OPTIONS
--user authorized domain application server administrative username. --password password to administer the domain application server. --host machine name where the domain application server is running. --port port number of the domain application server listening for administration requests. --secure if true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the domain application server. --passwordfile file containing the domain application server password. --terse indicates that any output data must be very concise, typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring well- formatted data for consumption by a script. Default is false. --echo setting to true will echo the command line statement on the standard output. Default is false. --interactive if set to true (default), only the required password options are prompted. --verbose if set to true the properties that are configured are also listed. Default is false. OPERANDS
raname the value kept in the resource-adapter-name in the domain.xml file. Example 1: Using list-resource-adapter-configs asadmin> list-resource-adapter-configs --username admin1 --password adminadmin1 Command list-resource-adapter-configs executed successfully EXIT STATUS
0 command executed successfully 1 error in executing the command asadmin-create-resource-adapter-config(1AS), asadmin-delete-resource-adapter-config(1AS) J2EE 1.4 SDK March 2004 asadmin-list-resource-adapter-configs(1AS)
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