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Operating Systems Solaris Trying to boot Solaris without hard drives in T5220 Post 302849877 by nerdboy on Tuesday 3rd of September 2013 02:05:42 PM
Old 09-03-2013
Trying to boot Solaris without hard drives in T5220

I have three Sun Oracle Netra T5220s. I am trying to just get the processor information psrinfo or prtdiag -v from the # prompt in single user mode.

I am needing to know the commands to get to boot the CD/DVD of the Solaris OS. I am using it via Serial Port Management.

Tinkering around I was able to access the (ok) command. I the boot-disk command for the long file name with /disk at the end was not able to boot from. It was a install of Solaris 11 burned on a DVD. (Dont know if being a DVD or the wrong version had to do with anything.)

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GRUB-MKRESCUE(1)                                                   User Commands                                                  GRUB-MKRESCUE(1)

grub-mkrescue - make a GRUB rescue image SYNOPSIS
Make GRUB CD-ROM, disk, pendrive and floppy bootable image. --compress=no|xz|gz|lzo compress GRUB files [optional] -d, --directory=DIR use images and modules under DIR [default=/usr/lib/grub/<platform>] --fonts=FONTS install FONTS [default=unicode] --install-modules=MODULES install only MODULES and their dependencies [default=all] -k, --pubkey=FILE embed FILE as public key for signature checking --locale-directory=DIR use translations under DIR [default=/usr/share/locale] --locales=LOCALES install only LOCALES [default=all] --modules=MODULES pre-load specified modules MODULES --themes=THEMES install THEMES [default=starfield] -v, --verbose print verbose messages. --arcs-boot enable ARCS (big-endian mips machines, mostly SGI) boot. Disables HFS+, APM, sparc64 and boot as disk image for i386-pc --core-compress=xz|none|auto choose the compression to use for core image --label-bgcolor=COLOR use COLOR for label background --label-color=COLOR use COLOR for label --label-font=FILE use FILE as font for label -o, --output=FILE save output in FILE [required] --product-name=STRING use STRING as product name --product-version=STRING use STRING as product version --rom-directory=DIR save ROM images in DIR [optional] --sparc-boot enable sparc boot. Disables HFS+, APM, ARCS and boot as disk image for i386-pc --xorriso=FILE use FILE as xorriso [optional] -?, --help give this help list --usage give a short usage message -V, --version print program version Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional for any corresponding short options. Generates a bootable CD/USB/floppy image. Arguments other than options to this program are passed to xorriso, and indicate source files, source directories, or any of the mkisofs options listed by the output of `xorriso -as mkisofs -help'. Option -- switches to native xorriso command mode. Mail xorriso support requests to <bug-xorriso@gnu.org>. REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to <bug-grub@gnu.org>. SEE ALSO
grub-mkimage(1) The full documentation for grub-mkrescue is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and grub-mkrescue programs are properly installed at your site, the command info grub-mkrescue should give you access to the complete manual. grub-mkrescue (GRUB) 2.02-2ubuntu8.3 July 2018 GRUB-MKRESCUE(1)
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