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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Parse SQL text and only format first SELECT statement. Post 302850347 by pchang on Wednesday 4th of September 2013 01:56:44 PM
Old 09-04-2013
Thank you Don - I finally had a chance to test the awk script that you provided and it's working as expected.

How can I embed the code into an awk script?

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SLEEP(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						  SLEEP(1)

sleep -- suspend execution for an interval of time SYNOPSIS
sleep seconds DESCRIPTION
The sleep utility suspends execution for a minimum of seconds. It is usually used to schedule the execution of other commands (see EXAMPLES below). Note: The NetBSD sleep command will accept and honor a non-integer number of specified seconds. This is a non-portable extension, and its use will nearly guarantee that a shell script will not execute properly on another system. When the SIGINFO signal is received, the estimate of the amount of seconds left to sleep is printed on the standard output. EXIT STATUS
The sleep utility exits with one of the following values: 0 On successful completion, or if the signal SIGALRM was received. >0 An error occurred. EXAMPLES
To schedule the execution of a command for 1800 seconds later: (sleep 1800; sh command_file >& errors)& This incantation would wait half an hour before running the script command_file. (See the at(1) utility.) To reiteratively run a command (with csh(1)): while (1) if (! -r zzz.rawdata) then sleep 300 else foreach i (*.rawdata) sleep 70 awk -f collapse_data $i >> results end break endif end The scenario for a script such as this might be: a program currently running is taking longer than expected to process a series of files, and it would be nice to have another program start processing the files created by the first program as soon as it is finished (when zzz.rawdata is created). The script checks every five minutes for the file zzz.rawdata, when the file is found, then another portion processing is done courteously by sleeping for 70 seconds in between each awk job. SEE ALSO
at(1), nanosleep(2), sleep(3) STANDARDS
The sleep command is expected to be IEEE Std 1003.2 (``POSIX.2'') compatible. BSD
August 13, 2011 BSD
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