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Full Discussion: Rename folder
Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Rename folder Post 302853597 by RudiC on Sunday 15th of September 2013 01:15:37 PM
Old 09-15-2013
That spec is a bit vague. Where do you get the times from? Is it always 10 min to the full hour? Try the mv command.

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mhpath(1mh)															       mhpath(1mh)

       mhpath - print full pathnames of MH messages and folders

       mhpath [ +foldername ] [ msgs ] [ -help ]

       Use the command to display the full pathname of the specified folder.  If you do not specify a folder, displays the pathname of the current

       If you specify a message with its message number, displays the pathname of the specified message.  You can also specify a  number  of  mes-
       sages,  or  a range of messages.  If the top of the range that you specify is greater than the last message in the folder, displays as much
       of the specified range as possible.

       Additionally can take a keyword or a sequence name.  The following keywords are acceptable:

       first	 The first message in the folder.

       last	 The last message in the folder.

       new	 The message after the last message in the folder.  You cannot use new as part of a message range.

       cur	 The current message in the folder.

       prev	 The message before the current message.

       next	 The message after the current message.

       all	 All of the messages in the folder.

       -help	 Prints a list of the valid options to this command.

       In the following example, displays message 3 in the folder
       % mhpath +inbox 3

       The following example displays the pathname of messages 2 to 5 in the current folder:
       % mhpath 2-5

Profile Components
       Path:   To determine your Mail directory

       The user profile.

See Also

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