[SOLVED] Invoking Application in Shell Script
Hi All,
I have a scenario :
1. A list of servers naming server21, server 22, server 23 etc. This list of servers is separate for my environments.
Env1 has 3 server
Env2 has 5 serves
Env3 has 10 servers
2. Each server accesses application through which I want to invoke some method. So the URL for Env1 and Server21 in it would be :
http://Server21/abc.click.clear etc.
Now I want to make a shell script which invokes all these methods by Env wise and then server wise. I know wget will do the invoking but I am unable to make out the structure of the script. Can someone help me put on this?
Last edited by ankur328; 10-02-2013 at 01:43 AM..
Reason: typos...
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# GOAL : To clean up directories used in Oracle processing
# LANGUAGE : shell script (sh)
# PARAMETERS : Input_File
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Catalyst::Manual::Deployment::FastCGI(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Catalyst::Manual::Deployment::FastCGI(3pm)
Catalyst::Manual::Deployment::FastCGI - Deploying Catalyst with FastCGI
FastCGI Deployment
FastCGI is a high-performance extension to CGI. It is suitable for production environments, and is the standard method for deploying
Catalyst in shared hosting environments.
FastCGI performs equally as well as mod_perl. Don't let the 'CGI' fool you; your app runs as multiple persistent processes ready to
receive connections from the web server.
App Server
When using external FastCGI servers, your application runs as a standalone application server. It may be restarted independently from the
web server. This allows for a more robust environment and faster reload times when pushing new app changes. The frontend server can even
be configured to display a friendly "down for maintenance" page while the application is restarting.
You can launch your application on multiple backend servers and allow the frontend web server to perform load-balancing among all of them.
And of course, if one goes down, your app continues to run.
Multiple versions of the same app
Each FastCGI application is a separate process, so you can run different versions of the same app on a single server.
Can run with threaded Apache
Since your app is not running inside of Apache, the faster mpm_worker module can be used without worrying about the thread safety of your
Widely supported.
FastCGI is compatible with many server implementations, not just Apache.
You may have to disable mod_deflate. If you experience page hangs with mod_fastcgi then remove deflate.load and deflate.conf from
More complex environment
With FastCGI, there are more things to monitor and more processes running than when using mod_perl.
Standalone FastCGI Server
In server mode the application runs as a standalone server and accepts connections from a web server. The application can be on the same
machine as the web server, on a remote machine, or even on multiple remote machines. Advantages of this method include running the
Catalyst application as a different user than the web server, and the ability to set up a scalable server farm.
To start your application in server mode, install the FCGI::ProcManager module and then use the included fastcgi.pl script.
$ script/myapp_fastcgi.pl -l /tmp/myapp.socket -n 5
Command line options for fastcgi.pl include:
-d -daemon Daemonize the server.
-p -pidfile Write a pidfile with the pid of the process manager.
-l -listen Listen on a socket path, hostname:port, or :port.
-n -nproc The number of processes started to handle requests.
See below for the specific web server configurations for using the external server.
Any web server which supports FastCGI should work with Catalyst. Configuration recipies for well-known web servers are linked below, and we
would welcome contributions from people deploying Catalyst on other web servers.
Microsoft IIS
Catalyst Contributors, see Catalyst.pm
This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
perl v5.14.2 2012-01-20 Catalyst::Manual::Deployment::FastCGI(3pm)