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Top Forums Programming Question regarding Bash program Post 302860395 by biochemist on Saturday 5th of October 2013 09:12:33 PM
Old 10-05-2013
Question regarding Bash program

Hello All,

I am trying to write a small bash script to make my life easier for an analysis. I have multiple folders and inside them are 10 output files with an extension .pdbqt What I am trying to do is to read the folder content and then make a PyMol (.pml) file to load the molecules and then display it. When I close the PyMol, the script should go to the next folder and do the same thing again. Below I am pasting the code, any help is greatly appreciated Smilie
for f in Frog-mol-ryan_*; do
    if [ -d "${f}" ]; then
        echo Loading structures in Pymol: $f
cat <<EOF >log.pml                                                                                                                                                                           
load /server/John/Docking-Studies/docking-FC996-analog/MR1004/test/Frog-mol-ryan_*/out_Frog-ryan-mol_ligand_*.pdbqt                                                            
load /server/John/Docking-Studies/Insilico-mod-FC996/docking-FC996-analog/PDBs/Holo-with-Bpore.pdb                                                                                
cmd.show("cartoon"   ,"holo-with-Bpore")                                                                                                                                                 
cmd.show("sticks", "out_Frog-mol-ryan_ligand_*.pdbqt")                                                                                                                                                   

/usr/bin/pymol log.pml

The output log.pml is:
load /server/John/Docking-Studies/Insilico-mod-FC996/docking-FC996-analog/MR1004/test/Frog-mol-ryan_*/out__ligand_*.pdbqt

load /server/John/Docking-Studies/Insilico-mod-FC996/docking-FC996-analog/PDBs/Holo-with-Bpore.pdb
cmd.show("cartoon"   ,"holo-with-Bpore")
cmd.show("sticks", "out__ligand_*.pdbqt")

I am not able to pass the argument in cat EOF section.

Kindly help

Last edited by jim mcnamara; 10-05-2013 at 10:51 PM..

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