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Full Discussion: Restore grub.conf file
Operating Systems Linux Red Hat Restore grub.conf file Post 302876550 by cjashu on Monday 25th of November 2013 10:52:47 AM
Old 11-25-2013
Restore grub.conf file

Hi guys,

I will truly appreciate your help with this issue.

If you do not have a backup copy of your grub.conf file, and for some reason the file got damaged or missing, how will you go about restoring it?

Thanks for your kind assistance.

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GRUB-PROBE(8)						  System Administration Utilities					     GRUB-PROBE(8)

grub-probe - probe device information for GRUB SYNOPSIS
Probe device information for a given path (or device, if the -d option is given). -d, --device given argument is a system device, not a path -m, --device-map=FILE use FILE as the device map [default=/boot/grub/device.map] -t, --target=(fs|fs_uuid|fs_label|drive|device|partmap|abstraction) print filesystem module, GRUB drive, system device, partition map module or abstraction module [default=fs] -h, --help display this message and exit -V, --version print version information and exit -v, --verbose print verbose messages REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to <bug-grub@gnu.org>. SEE ALSO
grub-fstest(1) The full documentation for grub-probe is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and grub-probe programs are properly installed at your site, the command info grub-probe should give you access to the complete manual. grub-probe (GRUB) 1.99-12ubuntu5 October 2011 GRUB-PROBE(8)
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