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Full Discussion: Convert Date Format
Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Convert Date Format Post 302877041 by Don Cragun on Wednesday 27th of November 2013 06:10:30 PM
Old 11-27-2013
With a recent (1993 or later) Korn shell or bash, you could also use:
cur_date="${1:-2013/03/13 13:24:50}"
printf "Processing date: %s\n" "$cur_date"
t=${cur_date#* }
printf "%s-%s-%s %s\n" "$d" "${amn:$(((dm-1)*3)):3}" "$y" "$t"

If you name this script tester and invoke it without arguments, you'll get:
Processing date: 2013/03/13 13:24:50
13-MAR-2013 13:24:50

If you invoke it with an operand, for example:
tester "2013/09/22 12:34:56"

you'll get:
Processing date: 2013/09/22 12:34:56
22-SEP-2013 12:34:56


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GETDATE(1)                                                         User Commands                                                        GETDATE(1)

getdate - AME SYNOPSIS
[-dv][-n dec][-f format] [ra dec sys] itype2otype [date and/or time] DESCRIPTION
Convert date and time between various formats [-dv][-n dec][-f format] itype2otype @file itype: nfd=ISOFITS fd=FITS, dt=yyyy.mmdd, hr=hh:mm:ss, deg=dd:mm:ss jd=Julian Date, mjd=Modified Julian Date hjd=Heliocentric Julian Date, mhjd=Modified HJD ep=epoch, epj=Julian epoch, epb=Besselian epoch lt=local time, ut=UT, ts=seconds since 1950-01-01 now=current time, ang=fractional degrees otype: fd=FITS, dt=yyyy.mmdd, jd=Julian Date, mjd=Modified Julian Date hjd=Heliocentric Julian Date, mhjd=Modified HJD hr=hh:mm:ss, deg=dd:mm:ss, ang=fractional degrees ep=epoch, epj=Julian epoch, epb=Besselian epoch ts=seconds since 1950-01-01, tsu=Unix sec, tsi=IRAF sec gst=Greenwich Sidereal Time, lst=Local Sidereal Time @file: First one or two columns are in itype format ra dec sys: Need for Heliocentric conversions -a: Append date to input file, if there is one -d: Print date without time -e: Print output as ET/TDT/TT converting from UT -f: Format for output number (C printf) -h hours: Longitude in hours, west positive -l degrees: Longitude in degrees, west positive -n: Number of decimal places in sec, epoch, JD -t: Print time without date -v: Verbose getdate 3.8.4 June 2012 GETDATE(1)
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