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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Grep a part of a line from a file Post 302887370 by Don Cragun on Friday 7th of February 2014 04:29:11 AM
Old 02-07-2014
I don't understand what you want. You say you want to get something starting with SRC_ that appears in every line in your file, but since SRC_ doesn't appear in the first line, there obviously is no such string.

Please explain what you are trying to do and show the desired output corresponding to your sample input.

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.::SWF::TextField(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				    .::SWF::TextField(3pm)

SWF::TextField - SWF TextField class SYNOPSIS
use SWF::TextField; $textfield = new SWF::TextField([$flags]); DESCRIPTION
Unlike SWF::Text objects, TextFields cannot be rotated, scaled non-proportionally, or skewed. However, TextFields can be used as form entries and they can use browser-defined fonts. NOTES
: TextField is implemented into Flash since Flash3. Most of features for TextFields are available since Flash4. Simple HTML-tags in TextField are possible since Flash5. METHODS
new SWF::TextField([$flags]); Creates a TextField object whose behaviour is dictated by "flags" (see also SWF::Constants): SWFTEXTFIELD_NOEDIT: Non-editable Textfiled SWFTEXTFIELD_PASSWORD: Obscure user input with astricts. SWFTEXTFIELD_DRAWBOX: Draw a border around TextField SWFTEXTFIELD_MULTILINE: TextFiels may contain multiple lines SWFTEXTFIELD_WORDWRAP: Warp text when text reaches TextField border SWFTEXTFIELD_NOSELECT: TextField is not selected when user clicks on it SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT: Align text to the left SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_RIGHT: Align text to the right SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_CENTER: Align text to the center SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_JUSTIFY: Justify text SWFTEXTFIELD_HTML: Add HTML markup string SWFTEXTFIELD_HASLENGTH: SWFTEXTFIELD_USEFONT: Want to embed font SWFTEXTFIELD_AUTOSIZE: Flags may be combined with the bitwise OR operation. For example: my $t = new SWF::TextField(SWFTEXTFIELD_MULTILINE | SWFTEXTFIELD_WORDWRAP); $textfield->addString($string) $textfield->addUTF8String($UTF8string) Add $string to TextField. Text is appended to the existing text. $textfield->align($alignment) $textfield->setAlignment($alignment) Set the alignment of the text in the textfield. Possible values are SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_RIGHT SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_CENTER SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_JUSTIFY By default a SWF::TextField ist left aligned. $textfield->setBounds($width, $height) Sets the width and height of the textfield. $textfield->setColor($red, $green, $blue [, $alpha]) Set the color of the text. An 8 bit value for each parameter. You can use the hex or decimal notation. Even mixed. $tf->setColor(0xcc,0,0x33); $tf->setColor(204,0,51,255); $textfield->setFont($font) Sets an SWF::Font object -$font- to be used in the TextField. $textfield->setPadding($padding) Set TextField padding. $textfield->setHeight($height) Set the height of font in your textfield. $textfield->setIndentation($indentation) Set the indentation of the first line of a paragraph. $textfield->setLeftMargin($left) Sets the left margin of the textfield. $textfield->setRightMargin($right) Sets the right margin of the textfield. $textfield->setMargins($left, $right) Sets left and right margins of $textfield. $textfield->setLineSpacing($linespacing) Sets the space between lines. $textfield->setName($name) $textfield->setVariableName($name) Assigns a name to the TextField which could be used to reference the TextField within ActionScript. $textfield->addChars($string) $textfield->addUTF8Chars($UTF8string) Adds characters to a font that will be available within a textfield. $textfield->setFlags($flags) Set TextField behaviour by "flags" (see above new SWF::TextField) For example: $textfield->setFlags(SWFTEXTFIELD_PASSWORD); $textfield->setLength($length) Sets limit for user input size to $length. $textfield->setFieldHeight($height) Sets height limit for visible part of text field. If $height is set to 0, the height is calculated by used font, see setHeight() method. AUTHOR
Soheil Seyfaie (soheil at users.sourceforge.net). SEE ALSO
SWF, SWF::Action, SWF::Button, SWF::Constants, SWF::DisplayItem, SWF::Font, SWF::Movie, SWF::MovieCip, SWF::Text perl v5.14.2 2011-10-26 .::SWF::TextField(3pm)
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