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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to convert Text data to xls? Post 302912145 by srkmish on Wednesday 6th of August 2014 08:09:58 AM
Old 08-06-2014
How to convert Text data to xls?

Hi Team,

I have created a script to output DB Query data to a text file. It displays output as follows for 2 different queries appended to same file.

I want help to convert this data to xls format so that the output of first query is in 1 tab and the other in second tab. Please help.

BATCHID     STARTDATE                  FINDATE                   
----------- -------------------------- --------------------------
    2000001 2014-08-06- -                         
    2000002 2014-08-06- -                         
    2000003 2014-08-06- -                         
    2000004 2014-08-06- -                         
    4 record(s) selected.
1          2           3          
---------- ----------- -----------
07/30/2014           3          33
07/30/2014           3          28
07/30/2014           3          21
07/30/2014           3          24
4 record(s) selected.

Last edited by zaxxon; 08-06-2014 at 11:30 AM.. Reason: code tags

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reporter-print - Prints problem information to standard output or FILE. SYNOPSIS
reporter-print [-v] [-d DIR] [-o FILE] [-a yes/no] [-r] DESCRIPTION
The tool reads problem directory DIR and prints its text representation to stdout or to a specified FILE. Integration with ABRT events reporter-print can be used as a reporter, to allow users to report problems by writing them to a file. Example: EVENT=report reporter-print -o "${Log_File:-/tmp/abrt.log}" OPTIONS
-d DIR Path to problem directory. -v Be more verbose. Can be given multiple times. -o FILE Output file -a yes/no If -o FILE is specified, controls whether FILE is appended to, or overwritten. (default: no) -r Add a record to reported_to in DIR which specifies that this problem was reported. Some tools use this to differentiate between problems which were and weren't yet reported. Output format The output is designed to be machine-parsable. The elements which have only one line are printed in the form NAME:<whitespace>VALUE Elements which have more than one line are printed in the form NAME: :LINE1 :LINE2 :LINE3 Output may contain empty lines for better readability. AUTHORS
o ABRT team LIBREPORT 2.1.11 06/18/2014 REPORTER-PRINT(1)
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