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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to read file line by line and compare subset of 1st line with 2nd? Post 302926471 by derekludwig on Monday 24th of November 2014 03:33:33 PM
Old 11-24-2014
If you want to compare the 3rd field of adjacent records:
awk FS="|" 'prev != $3 { print; } { prev = $3; }'

But result (output) is desired?

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ldns(3) 						     Library Functions Manual							   ldns(3)

ldns_dname_compare, ldns_dname_interval SYNOPSIS
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <ldns/ldns.h> int ldns_dname_compare(const ldns_rdf *dname1, const ldns_rdf *dname2); int ldns_dname_interval(const ldns_rdf *prev, const ldns_rdf *middle, const ldns_rdf *next); DESCRIPTION
ldns_dname_compare() Compares the two dname rdf's according to the algorithm for ordering in RFC4034 Section 6. dname1: First dname rdf to compare dname2: Second dname rdf to compare Returns -1 if dname1 comes before dname2, 1 if dname1 comes after dname2, and 0 if they are equal. ldns_dname_interval() check if middle lays in the interval defined by prev and next prev <= middle < next. This is usefull for nsec check- ing prev: the previous dname middle: the dname to check next: the next dname return 0 on error or unknown, -1 when middle is in the interval, +1 when not AUTHOR
The ldns team at NLnet Labs. Which consists out of Jelte Jansen and Miek Gieben. REPORTING BUGS
Please report bugs to ldns-team@nlnetlabs.nl or in our bugzilla at http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/bugs/index.html COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2004 - 2006 NLnet Labs. Licensed under the BSD License. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SEE ALSO
ldns_dname_is_subdomain. And perldoc Net::DNS, RFC1034, RFC1035, RFC4033, RFC4034 and RFC4035. REMARKS
This manpage was automaticly generated from the ldns source code by use of Doxygen and some perl. 30 May 2006 ldns(3)
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