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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting XML Splitting into multi files Post 302927740 by junior-helper on Friday 5th of December 2014 06:34:26 AM
Old 12-05-2014
sed 's/></>\n</g' Sample.xml | sed -r "s/^<aut|^<tit|^<gen|^<pri|^<Tex/      &/" > temp.xml

awk 'BEGIN {CF="Computer.xml"; LF="Lap.xml"}
    $0 ~ /<genre>Computer/ { A[++c]=$0; C=1; next }
    $0 !~ /^<\/catalog>/ { A[++c]=$0; next }
    for (i in A) if (C) {print A[i] >>CF} else {print A[i] >>LF}
    {delete A; c=C=0}
' temp.xml


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MKDoc::XML::Decode(3pm) 				User Contributed Perl Documentation				   MKDoc::XML::Decode(3pm)

MKDoc::XML::Decode - Expands XML entities SYNOPSIS
use MKDoc::XML::Decode; my $decode = new MKDoc::XML::Decode qw/xml xhtml numeric/; # $xml is now "Chris' Baloon" my $xml = MKDoc::XML::Decode->process ("Chris&apos; Baloon"); SUMMARY
MKDoc::XML::Decode is a very simple module with pluggable entity decoding mechanism. At the moment there are three modules: xml - Decodes &apos; &quot; &gt; &lt; and &amp; xhtml - Decodes XHTML entities such as &eacute; numeric - Decodes numeric entities such as &#65; That's it. This module and its counterpart MKDoc::XML::Encode are used by MKDoc::XML::Dumper to XML-encode and XML-decode litterals. API
my $decode_object = new MKDoc::XML::Decode (@modules); Constructs a new decode object using the modules specified in @modules. my $decoded = $decode_object->decode ($stuff); Decodes $stuff and returns it into $decoded. Any entity which is not recognized will be returned as is but will trigger a warning. AUTHOR
Copyright 2003 - MKDoc Holdings Ltd. Author: Jean-Michel Hiver This module is free software and is distributed under the same license as Perl itself. Use it at your own risk. SEE ALSO
MKDoc::XML::Encode perl v5.10.1 2004-10-06 MKDoc::XML::Decode(3pm)
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