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Operating Systems AIX Can we add multiple groups to a directory or a file ? Post 302939695 by aaron8667 on Friday 27th of March 2015 05:12:56 PM
Old 03-27-2015
nope...we've other user's too. I do not want to change the ownership from root. is there any other way ?

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DPNS-CHGRP(1)							DPNS User Commands						     DPNS-CHGRP(1)

dpns-chgrp - change group ownership of a DPNS directory/file in the name server SYNOPSIS
dpns-chgrp [-h] [-R] group path... DESCRIPTION
dpns-chgrp sets the group ownership of a DPNS directory/file in the name server to the value of group. To change the group ID, the effective user ID of the process must match the owner ID of the file and the new group must be in the list of groups the caller belong to or the caller must have ADMIN privilege in the Cupv database. group is either a valid group name or a valid numeric ID. path specifies the DPNS pathname. If path does not start with /, it is prefixed by the content of the DPNS_HOME environment variable. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -h If path is a symbolic link, changes the ownership of the link itself. -R Recursive mode. EXIT STATUS
This program returns 0 if the operation was successful or >0 if the operation failed. SEE ALSO
Castor_limits(4), dpns_chown(3), Cupvlist(1) AUTHOR
LCG Grid Deployment Team DPNS
$Date: 2007/01/13 10:35:39 $ DPNS-CHGRP(1)
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