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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Replace space by newline error Post 302954628 by quirkasaurus on Wednesday 9th of September 2015 11:41:29 AM
Old 09-09-2015
works for me:
cat << EOF |
:20:9400115251184711  :61:1509090908DR991,43NCOL09:04:0032 :86:/OCMT/EUR991,43/PT/FT/BN/ORANGE ESPAGNE S.A.U
tr ' ' '\012' |
awk '/^:/{printf("\n%s", $1);next;}
    {printf(" %s", $1);}
    ' |
grep .

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GZEXE(1)						      General Commands Manual							  GZEXE(1)

gzexe - compress executable files in place SYNOPSIS
gzexe [ name ... ] DESCRIPTION
The gzexe utility allows you to compress executables in place and have them automatically uncompress and execute when you run them (at a penalty in performance). For example if you execute ``gzexe /bin/cat'' it will create the following two files: -r-xr-xr-x 1 root bin 9644 Feb 11 11:16 /bin/cat -r-xr-xr-x 1 bin bin 24576 Nov 23 13:21 /bin/cat~ /bin/cat~ is the original file and /bin/cat is the self-uncompressing executable file. You can remove /bin/cat~ once you are sure that /bin/cat works properly. This utility is most useful on systems with very small disks. OPTIONS
-d Decompress the given executables instead of compressing them. SEE ALSO
gzip(1), znew(1), zmore(1), zcmp(1), zforce(1) CAVEATS
The compressed executable is a shell script. This may create some security holes. In particular, the compressed executable relies on the PATH environment variable to find gzip and some other utilities (tail, chmod, ln, sleep). BUGS
gzexe attempts to retain the original file attributes on the compressed executable, but you may have to fix them manually in some cases, using chmod or chown. GZEXE(1)
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