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Full Discussion: 2>/dev/null
Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting 2>/dev/null Post 302961323 by Don Cragun on Thursday 26th of November 2015 02:31:11 PM
Old 11-26-2015
To fix this code you could use:
ls -ltr *prueba.txt 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print $9 }' > Procesar.dat

But this is highly inefficient and will not give you complete filenames if any of your filenames contain whitespace characters. The suggestions in your other thread today: Browse directory would be much better ways to do this.

Also, note that *prueba.txt will not match any of the files listed in the other thread. (There is a HUGE difference between *prueba.txt and prueba*.txt!)
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unix2dos(1)						      General Commands Manual						       unix2dos(1)

unix2dos - UNIX to DOS text file format converter SYNOPSYS
unix2dos [options] [-c convmode] [-o file ...] [-n infile outfile ...] Options: [-hkqV] [--help] [--keepdate] [--quiet] [--version] DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents unix2dos, the program that converts text files in UNIX format to DOS format. OPTIONS
The following options are available: -h --help Print online help. -k --keepdate Keep the date stamp of output file same as input file. -q --quiet Quiet mode. Suppress all warning and messages. -V --version Prints version information. -c --convmode convmode Sets conversion mode. Simulates unix2dos under SunOS. -o --oldfile file ... Old file mode. Convert the file and write output to it. The program default to run in this mode. Wildcard names may be used. -n --newfile infile outfile ... New file mode. Convert the infile and write output to outfile. File names must be given in pairs and wildcard names should NOT be used or you WILL lost your files. EXAMPLES
Get input from stdin and write output to stdout. unix2dos Convert and replace a.txt. Convert and replace b.txt. unix2dos a.txt b.txt unix2dos -o a.txt b.txt Convert and replace a.txt in ASCII conversion mode. Convert and replace b.txt in ISO conversion mode. unix2dos a.txt -c iso b.txt unix2dos -c ascii a.txt -c iso b.txt Convert and replace a.txt while keeping original date stamp. unix2dos -k a.txt unix2dos -k -o a.txt Convert a.txt and write to e.txt. unix2dos -n a.txt e.txt Convert a.txt and write to e.txt, keep date stamp of e.txt same as a.txt. unix2dos -k -n a.txt e.txt Convert and replace a.txt. Convert b.txt and write to e.txt. unix2dos a.txt -n b.txt e.txt unix2dos -o a.txt -n b.txt e.txt Convert c.txt and write to e.txt. Convert and replace a.txt. Convert and replace b.txt. Convert d.txt and write to f.txt. unix2dos -n c.txt e.txt -o a.txt b.txt -n d.txt f.txt DIAGNOSTICS
The program does not work properly under MSDOS in stdio processing mode. If you know why is that so, please tell me. AUTHOR
Benjamin Lin - ( blin@socs.uts.edu.au ) MISCELLANY
Tested environment: Linux 1.2.0 with GNU C 2.5.8 SunOS 4.1.3 with GNU C 2.6.3 MS-DOS 6.20 with Borland C++ 4.02 Suggestions and bug reports are welcome. SEE ALSO
dos2unix(1) 1995.03.31 unix2dos v2.2 unix2dos(1)
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