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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Replace string and create new file multiple times Post 302974085 by RavinderSingh13 on Wednesday 25th of May 2016 01:31:14 PM
Old 05-25-2016
Originally Posted by pseudo.seppuku
Thank you! That certainly did the trick. The only caveat is that the new file is called list001.txt01 instead of list002.txt.
Aside from the file-naming convention... is there a way to do this multiple times in a row, using a single script? In other words, i = i + (1..299) - each time saved as a new file?
Hello pseudo.seppuku,

Could you please try following and let me know if this helps, not tested though.
for file in *.txt; do let "i = i + 1"; awk -vI=$i '{gsub(/001/,"002",$0);VAL=sprintf("%02d",I);print >> FILENAME VAL;}' $file; done

R. Singh
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MBOXCHECK(1)						User Contributed Perl Documentation					      MBOXCHECK(1)

mboxcheck - MBOX mail checking program. SYNOPSIS
mboxcheck [options] [file [...] ] DESCRIPTION
MBOXcheck is a simple mailbox checker. Give some options and at least one mailbox file as an argument and it will print some status of how many messages there are and which status they have. OPTIONS
--help The help text. -h --version The version information about this tool. -V --showon [v][?] When to show a mailbox in the list. [v] - verbose, always show. [?] - show when count is above 0 for the below types, see --show what for more information about that. The default is to trigger only on new messages (--showon new). --show [n][s][r][o][a][d] What counts to show. The caracter in the bracket is the short form. The what string can be comma separated to specify more than one option. Multiple --show options will add more (and will not remove shows). [n] - new (new messages) [s] - seen (seen but not read messages) [r] - read (read and answered messages) [o] - onlyread (just read messages) [a] - answered (answered messages) [d] - deleted (deleted messages) The default is to show new and seen messages (--show ns). --recurse This option will tell the tool to recurse into -R -r subdirectories. --nosymlink Tell the program to ignore symlinked files and directories. --cachedir dir A temporary directory to use for speedup cache (default ~/.mboxcheckcache) --nocache Do not use a temporary directory. CACHE
The cache file is named after the path to the file with slash caracters '/' replaced with two commas ',,'. The content is a list of comma separated values; last position, new, seen, only read, answered and deleted mail. AUTHOR
Ola Lundqvist <opal@debian.org> SEE ALSO
http://inguza.com/software/mboxcheck Mboxcheck Sat Apr 7 19:16:14 CEST 2012 MBOXCHECK(1)
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