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Operating Systems AIX Openssh install failed on AIX 6.1 Post 302975823 by filosophizer on Sunday 19th of June 2016 01:07:54 PM
Old 06-19-2016
can you please run
lslpp -l | grep -i ssh

lslpp -l | grep ssl


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SSH-LDAP-HELPER(8)					    BSD System Manager's Manual 					SSH-LDAP-HELPER(8)

ssh-ldap-helper -- sshd helper program for ldap support SYNOPSIS
ssh-ldap-helper [-devw] [-f file] [-s user] DESCRIPTION
ssh-ldap-helper is used by sshd(1) to access keys provided by an LDAP. ssh-ldap-helper is disabled by default and can only be enabled in the sshd configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config by setting AuthorizedKeysCommand to ``/usr/libexec/openssh/ssh-ldap-wrapper''. ssh-ldap-helper is not intended to be invoked by the user, but from sshd(8) via ssh-ldap-wrapper. The options are as follows: -d Set the debug mode; ssh-ldap-helper prints all logs to stderr instead of syslog. -e Implies -w; ssh-ldap-helper halts if it encounters an unknown item in the ldap.conf file. -f ssh-ldap-helper uses this file as the ldap configuration file instead of /etc/ssh/ldap.conf (default). -s ssh-ldap-helper prints out the user's keys to stdout and exits. -v Implies -d; increases verbosity. -w ssh-ldap-helper writes warnings about unknown items in the ldap.conf configuration file. SEE ALSO
sshd(8), sshd_config(5), ssh-ldap.conf(5), HISTORY
ssh-ldap-helper first appeared in OpenSSH 5.5 + PKA-LDAP . AUTHORS
Jan F. Chadima <jchadima@redhat.com> BSD
April 29, 2010 BSD
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