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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Need to cut a specific pattern from a line Post 302976981 by Don Cragun on Sunday 10th of July 2016 05:00:33 AM
Old 07-10-2016
Originally Posted by mirwasim
I got below error.
I want to print the third field and the the url .
url is not at specific position every time, it can be at filed 10, 12 13 and so on.
i want script to pick where ever it is in the line
awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: bailing out near line 1

Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment Pleae use CODE tags (not ICODE tags) when displaying full-line and multi-line sample input, sample output, and code segments.
When using awk on Solaris/SunOS systems, change awk to /usr/xpg4/bin/awk or nawk.

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ucblinks(1B)					     SunOS/BSD Compatibility Package Commands					      ucblinks(1B)

       ucblinks - adds /dev entries to give SunOS 4.x compatible names to SunOS 5.x devices

       /usr/ucb/ucblinks [-e rulebase] [-r rootdir]

       ucblinks  creates symbolic links under the /dev directory for devices whose SunOS 5.x names differ from their SunOS 4.x names. Where possi-
       ble, these symbolic links point to the device's SunOS 5.x name rather than to the actual /devices entry.

       ucblinks does not remove unneeded compatibility links; these must be removed by hand.

       ucblinks should be called each time the system is reconfiguration-booted, after any new SunOS 5.x links that are needed have been  created,
       since the reconfiguration may have resulted in more compatibility names being needed.

       In  releases prior to SunOS 5.4, ucblinks used a  nawk rule-base to construct the SunOS 4.x compatible names. ucblinks no longer uses  nawk
       for the default operation, although  nawk rule-bases can still be specifed with the -e option.  The  nawk rule-base equivalent to the SunOS
       5.4 default operation can be found in /usr/ucblib/ucblinks.awk.

       -e rulebase     Specify rulebase as the file containing nawk(1) pattern-action statements.

       -r rootdir      Specify rootdir as the directory under which dev and devices will be found, rather than the standard root directory /.

       /usr/ucblib/ucblinks.awk        sample rule-base for compatibility links

       See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |      ATTRIBUTE TYPE	     |	    ATTRIBUTE VALUE	   |
       |Availability		     |SUNWscpu			   |

       devlinks(1M), disks(1M), ports(1M), tapes(1M), attributes(5)

SunOS 5.10							    13 Apr 1994 						      ucblinks(1B)
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